Subproblem Tutorial - Running Multiple Optimizations Using SubProblems¶
In this tutorial, we want to find the global minimum of a function that has multiple local minima, and we want to search for those local minima using multiple gradient based optimizers running concurrently. How might we solve this problem in OpenMDAO? If we didn’t care about concurrency, we could just write a script that creates a single Problem containing a gradient optimizer and the function we want to optimize, and have that script iterate over a list of design inputs, set the design values into the Problem, run it, and extract the objective values. If we want to run multiple optimizations concurrently, it turns out that OpenMDAO has a number of drivers, for example CaseDriver, LatinHypercubeDriver, UniformDriver, etc., that will run multiple input cases concurrently. But how can we use multiple drivers during an OpenMDAO run? To do that, we need to have multiple Problems, because in OpenMDAO, only a Problem can have a driver.
OpenMDAO has a component called SubProblem, which is a component that contains a Problem and controls which of the Problem’s variables are accessible from outside. We’ll use one of those to contain the Problem that performs a gradient based optimization using an SLSQP optimizer, and we’ll add that to our top level Problem, which will run multiple instances of our SubProblem concurrently using a CaseDriver.
There is some overhead involved in using a SubProblem, so using one is not recommended unless your approach truly requires nested drivers. Some valid uses of SubProblem would be:
- collaborative optimization
- an optimizer on top of a DOE
- a DOE on top of an optimizer, a.k.a. multistart optimization (our case)
- a genetic algorithm driving a gradient based optimizer
Let’s first create a Problem to contain the optimization of our function. Later, we’ll use this Problem to create our SubProblem.
import sys
from math import pi
from openmdao.api import Problem, Group, Component, IndepVarComp, ExecComp, \
ScipyOptimizer, SubProblem, CaseDriver
sub = Problem(root=Group())
root = sub.root
Now let’s define the function we want to minimize. In this case we’ve chosen a simple function with only one input and one output. It’s a cosine function between the bounds += pi that is modified so that the rightmost “valley” is slightly lower than valleys to the left. Between the += pi bounds, there are only two valleys, so we have two local minima and one of those is global.
The code below defines a component that represents our function, as well as an independent variable that the optimizer can use as a design variable. We put both of those in the root Group and connect our independent variable to our component’s input.
# In the range -pi <= x <= pi
# function has 2 local minima, one is global
# global min is: f(x) = -1.31415926 at x = pi
# local min at: f(x) = -0.69084489952 at x = -3.041593
# define the independent variable that our optimizer will twiddle
root.add('indep', IndepVarComp('x', 0.0))
# here's the actual function we're minimizing
root.add("comp", ExecComp("fx = cos(x)-x/10."))
# connect the independent variable to the input of our function component
root.connect("indep.x", "comp.x")
Now we’ll set up our SLSQP optimizer. We first declare our optimizer object, then add our independent variable indep.x to it as a design variable, then finally add the output of our component, comp.fx, as the objective that we want to minimize.
sub.driver = ScipyOptimizer()
sub.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
sub.driver.add_desvar("indep.x", lower=-pi, upper=pi)
The lower level Problem is now completely defined. Next we’ll create the top level Problem that will contain our SubProblem. Also, and this is a little confusing, we add an independent variable top_indep.x to the root of our top level Problem, even though we already have an independent variable that will feed our function inside of our lower level Problem. We need to do this because an OpenMDAO driver can only set its design values into variables belonging to an IndepVarComp, and the IndepVarComp in the SubProblem is not accessible to the driver in the top level Problem.
prob = Problem(root=Group())
prob.root.add("top_indep", IndepVarComp('x', 0.0))
Now we create our SubProblem, exposing indep.x as a parameter and comp.fx as an unknown. indep.x must be a parameter on our SubProblem in order for us to connect our top level independent variable top_indep.x to it. It’s OK that indep.x is in fact an unknown inside of our SubProblem.
prob.root.add("subprob", SubProblem(sub, params=['indep.x'],
prob.root.connect("top_indep.x", "subprob.indep.x")
Next we specify our top level driver to be a CaseDriver, which is a driver that will execute a user defined list of cases on the model. A case is just a list of (name, value) tuples, where name is the name of a design variable and value is the value that will be assigned to that variable prior to running the model. We’re using a CaseDriver here for simplicity, and because we already know where the local minima are found, but we could just as easily use a LatinHyperCubeDriver that would give us some random distribution of starting points in the design space.
Because the function we’re minimizing in this tutorial has only two local minima, we’ll create our CaseDriver with an argument of num_par_doe=2, specifying that we want to run 2 cases concurrently. We’ll also add top_indep.x as a design variable to our CaseDriver, and add subprob.indep.x and subprob.comp.fx as response variables. add_response() is telling our CaseDriver that we want it to save the specified variables each time it runs an input case. Note that add_response() is just a convenience method and results in the creation of a memory resident data recorder in the CaseDriver.
If you want to run lots of cases and/or the variables you want to record are large, you may want to use some other form of data recorder, e.g., SqliteRecorder, to record results to disk rather than storing them all in memory by using add_response(). Recorders can be added to a CaseDriver in the same way as for any other driver.
prob.driver = CaseDriver(num_par_doe=2)
prob.driver.add_response(['subprob.indep.x', 'subprob.comp.fx'])
Next we’ll define the cases we want to run. The top_indep.x values of -1 and 1 will end up at the local and global minima when we run the concurrent subproblem optimizers.
prob.driver.cases = [
[('top_indep.x', -1.0)],
[('top_indep.x', 1.0)]
Finally, we setup and run the top level problem. Calling run() on the problem will run the concurrent optimizations.
After running, we can collect the responses from our CaseDriver and the response with the minimum value of subprob.comp.fx will give us our global minimum.
optvals = []
# collect responses for all of our input cases
optvals = [dict(resp) for resp, success, msg in prob.driver.get_responses()]
# find the minimum value of subprob.comp.fx in our responses
global_opt = sorted(optvals, key=lambda x: x['subprob.comp.fx'])[0]
print("\nGlobal optimum:\nsubprob.comp.fx = %s at subprob.indep.x = %s" %
(global_opt['subprob.comp.fx'], global_opt['subprob.indep.x']))
If we were trying to minimize a function where we didn’t know all of the local minima ahead of time, there would be no guarantee that this approach would locate all of them, and therefore no guarantee that the minimum of our local minima would be the actual global minimum.
Putting it all together, it looks like this:
import sys
from math import pi
from openmdao.api import Problem, Group, Component, IndepVarComp, ExecComp, \
ScipyOptimizer, SubProblem, CaseDriver
class MultiMinGroup(Group):
In the range -pi <= x <= pi
function has 2 local minima, one is global
global min is: f(x) = -1.31415926 at x = pi
local min at: f(x) = -0.69084489952 at x = -3.041593
def __init__(self):
super(MultiMinGroup, self).__init__()
self.add('indep', IndepVarComp('x', 0.0))
self.add("comp", ExecComp("fx = cos(x)-x/10."))
self.connect("indep.x", "comp.x")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# First, define a Problem to be able to optimize our function.
sub = Problem(root=MultiMinGroup())
# set up our SLSQP optimizer
sub.driver = ScipyOptimizer()
sub.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
sub.driver.options['disp'] = False # disable optimizer output
# In this case, our design variable is indep.x, which happens
# to be connected to the x parameter on our 'comp' component.
sub.driver.add_desvar("indep.x", lower=-pi, upper=pi)
# We are minimizing comp.fx, so that's our objective.
# Now, create our top level problem
prob = Problem(root=Group())
prob.root.add("top_indep", IndepVarComp('x', 0.0))
# add our subproblem. Note that 'indep.x' is actually an unknown
# inside of the subproblem, but outside of the subproblem we're treating
# it as a parameter.
prob.root.add("subprob", SubProblem(sub, params=['indep.x'],
prob.root.connect("top_indep.x", "subprob.indep.x")
# use a CaseDriver as our top level driver so we can run multiple
# separate optimizations concurrently. This time around we'll
# just run 2 concurrent cases.
prob.driver = CaseDriver(num_par_doe=2)
prob.driver.add_response(['subprob.indep.x', 'subprob.comp.fx'])
# these are the two cases we're going to run. The top_indep.x values of
# -1 and 1 will end up at the local and global minima when we run the
# concurrent subproblem optimizers.
prob.driver.cases = [
[('top_indep.x', -1.0)],
[('top_indep.x', 1.0)]
# run the concurrent optimizations
# collect responses for all of our input cases
optvals = [dict(resp) for resp, success, msg in prob.driver.get_responses()]
# find the minimum value of subprob.comp.fx in our responses
global_opt = sorted(optvals, key=lambda x: x['subprob.comp.fx'])[0]
print("\nGlobal optimum:\n subprob.comp.fx = %s at subprob.indep.x = %s" %
(global_opt['subprob.comp.fx'], global_opt['subprob.indep.x']))
Global optimum:
subprob.comp.fx = -1.31415926536 at subprob.indep.x = 3.14159265359