Non-linear solver that implements a Newton’s method.

class openmdao.solvers.newton.Newton[source]

Bases: openmdao.solvers.solver_base.NonLinearSolver

A python Newton solver that solves a linear system to determine the next direction to step. Also uses Backtracking as the default line search algorithm, but you can choose a different one by specifying self.line_search. A linear solver can also be specified by assigning it to self.ln_solver to use a different solver than the one in the parent system.


options[‘alpha’] : float(1.0)

Initial over-relaxation factor.

options[‘atol’] : float(1e-12)

Absolute convergence tolerance.

options[‘err_on_maxiter’] : bool(False)

If True, raise an AnalysisError if not converged at maxiter.

options[‘iprint’] : int(0)

Set to 0 to disable printing, set to 1 to print the residual to stdout each iteration, set to 2 to print subiteration residuals as well.

options[‘maxiter’] : int(20)

Maximum number of iterations.

options[‘rtol’] : float(1e-10)

Relative convergence tolerance.

options[‘solve_subsystems’] : bool(True)

Set to True to solve subsystems. You may need this for solvers nested under Newton.


Turns on iprint for this solver and all subsolvers. Override if your solver has subsolvers.


Initialize sub solvers.


sub: `System`

System that owns this solver.

solve(params, unknowns, resids, system, metadata=None)[source]

Solves the system using a Netwon’s Method.


params : VecWrapper

VecWrapper containing parameters. (p)

unknowns : VecWrapper

VecWrapper containing outputs and states. (u)

resids : VecWrapper

VecWrapper containing residuals. (r)

system : System

Parent System object.

metadata : dict, optional

Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate).