OpenMDAO Problem class defintion.
(root=None, driver=None, impl=None, comm=None, debug=False)[source]¶ Bases:
The Problem is always the top object for running an OpenMDAO model.
Args: root : Group, optional
The top-level Group for the Problem. If not specified, a default Group will be created
driver : Driver, optional
The top-level Driver for the Problem. If not specified, a default “Run Once” Driver will be used
impl : BasicImpl or PetscImpl, optional
The vector and data transfer implementation for the Problem. For parallel processing support using MPI, PetscImpl is required. If not specified, the default BasicImpl will be used.
comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake), optional
A communicator that can be used for distributed operations when running under MPI. If not specified, the default “COMM_WORLD” will be used.
debug : bool(False)
If set to True, all numpy floating point errors raise exceptions and the variable locations that go to inf or nan are printed when they can be determined.
(indep_list, unknown_list, mode='auto', return_format='array', dv_scale=None, cn_scale=None, sparsity=None, use_check=False, inactives=None)[source]¶ Returns the gradient for the system that is specified in self.root. This function is used by the optimizer but also can be used for testing derivatives on your model.
Args: indep_list : iter of strings
Iterator of independent variable names that derivatives are to be calculated with respect to. All params must have a IndepVarComp.
unknown_list : iter of strings
Iterator of output or state names that derivatives are to be calculated for. All must be valid unknowns in OpenMDAO.
mode : string, optional
Deriviative direction, can be ‘fwd’, ‘rev’, ‘fd’, or ‘auto’. Default is ‘auto’, which uses mode specified on the linear solver in root.
return_format : string, optional
Format for the derivatives, can be ‘array’ or ‘dict’.
dv_scale : dict, optional
Dictionary of driver-defined scale factors on the design variables.
cn_scale : dict, optional
Dictionary of driver-defined scale factors on the constraints.
sparsity : dict, optional
Dictionary that gives the relevant design variables for each constraint. This option is only supported in the dict return format.
use_check : bool(False)
This is only set to True when called from check_total_derivatives, and is used to make the FD calculation use the check options instead of the regular ones.
inactives : dict, optional
Dictionary of all inactive constraints. Gradient calculation is skipped for these in adjoine mode. Key is the constraint name, and value is the indices that are inactive.
Returns: ndarray or dict
Jacobian of unknowns with respect to params.
(out_stream=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, comps=None, compact_print=False, abs_err_tol=1e-06, rel_err_tol=1e-06, global_options=None)[source]¶ Checks partial derivatives comprehensively for all components in your model.
Args: out_stream : file_like
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to None to suppress.
comps : None or list_like
List of component names to check the partials of (all others will be skipped). Set to None (default) to run all components
compact_print : bool
Set to True to just print the essentials, one line per unknown-param pair.
abs_err_tol : float
Threshold value for absolute error. Errors about this value will have a ‘*’ displayed next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Default is 1.0E-6.
rel_err_tol : float
Threshold value for relative error. Errors about this value will have a ‘*’ displayed next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Note at times there may be a significant relative error due to a minor absolute error. Default is 1.0E-6.
global_options : dict
Dictionary of options that override options specified in ALL components. Only ‘check_form’, ‘check_step_size’, ‘check_step_calc’, and ‘check_type’ can be specified in this way.
Returns: Dict of Dicts of Dicts
First key is the component name;
2nd key is the (output, input) tuple of strings;
third key is one of [‘rel error’, ‘abs error’, ‘magnitude’, ‘J_fd’, ‘J_fwd’, ‘J_rev’];
For ‘rel error’, ‘abs error’, ‘magnitude’ the value is:
A tuple containing norms for forward - fd, adjoint - fd, forward - adjoint using the best case fdstep
For ‘J_fd’, ‘J_fwd’, ‘J_rev’ the value is:
A numpy array representing the computed Jacobian for the three different methods of computation
(out_stream=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)[source]¶ Write a report to the given stream indicating any potential problems found with the current configuration of this
.Args: out_stream : a file-like object, optional
Stream where report will be written.
(out_stream=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, abs_err_tol=1e-06, rel_err_tol=1e-06)[source]¶ Checks total derivatives for problem defined at the top.
Args: out_stream : file_like
Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to None to suppress.
abs_err_tol : float
Threshold value for absolute error. Errors about this value will have a ‘*’ displayed next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Default is 1.0E-6.
rel_err_tol : float
Threshold value for relative error. Errors about this value will have a ‘*’ displayed next to them in output, making them easy to search for. Note at times there may be a significant relative error due to a minor absolute error. Default is 1.0E-6.
Returns: Dict of Dicts of Tuples of Floats
First key is the (output, input) tuple of strings; second key is one
of [‘rel error’, ‘abs error’, ‘magnitude’, ‘fdstep’]; Tuple contains
norms for forward - fd, adjoint - fd, forward - adjoint using the
best case fdstep.
(name)[source]¶ Returns a reference to a named subsystem within this problem. Raises an exception if the given name doesn’t reference a subsystem.
Args: name : str
Name of the subsystem to retrieve.
Returns: System
A reference to the named subsystem.
()[source]¶ Returns: tuple
A tuple of the form (min_procs, max_procs), indicating the min and max processors usable by this Problem.
()[source]¶ Last chance for some checks. The checks that should be performed here are those that would generate a cryptic error message. We can raise a readable error for the user.
(level=2, depth=1e+99)[source]¶ Sets iprint to True for all solvers and subsolvers in the model.
Args: level : int(2)
iprint level. Set to 2 to print residuals each iteration; set to 1 to print just the iteration totals; set to 0 to disable all printing except for failures.
depth : int(1e99)
How deep to recurse. For example, you can set this to 0 if you only want to print the top level linear and nonlinear solver messages. Default prints everything.
()[source]¶ Execute run_once in the driver, executing the model at the the current design point.
(check=True, out_stream=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>)[source]¶ Performs all setup of vector storage, data transfer, etc., necessary to perform calculations.
Args: check : bool, optional
Check for potential issues after setup is complete (the default is True)
out_stream : a file-like object, optional
Stream where report will be written if check is performed.