Source code for openmdao.util.viewconns

import os
import sys
import json
import contextlib
from itertools import chain

from six import iteritems

import numpy

from openmdao.core.problem import Problem
from openmdao.devtools.webview import webview

def printoptions(*args, **kwargs):
[docs] original = numpy.get_printoptions() numpy.set_printoptions(*args, **kwargs) yield numpy.set_printoptions(**original) def view_connections(root, outfile='connections.html', show_browser=True,
[docs] src_filter='', tgt_filter='', precision=6): """ Generates a self-contained html file containing a detailed connection viewer. Optionally pops up a web browser to view the file. Args ---- root : system or Problem The root for the desired tree. outfile : str, optional The name of the output html file. Defaults to 'connections.html'. show_browser : bool, optional If True, pop up a browser to view the generated html file. Defaults to True. src_filter : str, optional If defined, use this as the initial value for the source system filter. tgt_filter : str, optional If defined, use this as the initial value for the target system filter. precision : int, optional Sets the precision for displaying array values. """ # since people will be used to passing the Problem as the first arg to # the N2 diagram funct, allow them to pass a Problem here as well. if isinstance(root, Problem): system = root.root else: system = root connections = system._probdata.connections to_prom = system._sysdata.to_prom_name src2tgts = {} units = {n: m.get('units','') for n,m in chain(iteritems(system._unknowns_dict), iteritems(system._params_dict))} vals = {} with printoptions(precision=precision, suppress=True, threshold=10000): for t, tmeta in iteritems(system._params_dict): if t in connections: s, idxs = connections[t] if idxs is not None: val = system.unknowns[to_prom[s]][idxs] else: val = system.unknowns[to_prom[s]] # if there's a unit conversion, express the value in the # units of the target if 'unit_conv' in tmeta: scale, offset = tmeta['unit_conv'] val = (val + offset) * scale if s not in src2tgts: src2tgts[s] = [t] else: src2tgts[s].append(t) else: # unconnected param val = system._params_dict[t]['val'] if isinstance(val, numpy.ndarray): val = numpy.array2string(val) else: val = str(val) vals[t] = val noconn_srcs = sorted((n for n in system._unknowns_dict if n not in src2tgts), reverse=True) for s in noconn_srcs: vals[s] = str(system.unknowns[to_prom[s]]) vals['NO CONNECTION'] = '' src_systems = set() tgt_systems = set() for s in src2tgts: parts = s.split('.') for i in range(len(parts)): src_systems.add('.'.join(parts[:i])) for t in connections: parts = t.split('.') for i in range(len(parts)): tgt_systems.add('.'.join(parts[:i])) # reverse sort so that "NO CONNECTION" shows up at the bottom src2tgts['NO CONNECTION'] = sorted([t for t in to_prom if t not in system._unknowns_dict and t not in connections], reverse=True) src_systems = [{'name':n} for n in sorted(src_systems)] src_systems.insert(1, {'name': "NO CONNECTION"}) tgt_systems = [{'name':n} for n in sorted(tgt_systems)] tgt_systems.insert(1, {'name': "NO CONNECTION"}) data = { 'src2tgts': [(s,ts) for s,ts in sorted(iteritems(src2tgts), reverse=True)], 'proms': to_prom, 'units': units, 'vals': vals, 'src_systems': src_systems, 'tgt_systems': tgt_systems, 'noconn_srcs': noconn_srcs, 'src_filter': src_filter, 'tgt_filter': tgt_filter, } viewer = 'connect_table.html' code_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(code_dir, viewer), "r") as f: template = graphjson = json.dumps(data) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: s = template.replace("<connection_data>", graphjson) f.write(s) if show_browser: webview(outfile)