Source code for openmdao.solvers.brent

""" Brent Nonlinear solver."""

from six import iteritems

from math import isnan

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq

from openmdao.core.system import AnalysisError
from openmdao.solvers.solver_base import NonLinearSolver
from openmdao.util.record_util import update_local_meta, create_local_meta

[docs]class Brent(NonLinearSolver): """Root finding using Brent's method. This is a specialized solver that can only converge a single scalar residual. You must specify the name of the state-variable/residual via the `state_var` option. You must also give either `lower_bound` and `upper_bound` or `var_lower_bound` and `var_upper_bound`. Options ------- options['err_on_maxiter'] : bool(False) If True, raise an AnalysisError if not converged at maxiter. options['iprint'] : int(0) Set to 0 to print only failures, set to 1 to print iteration totals to stdout, set to 2 to print the residual each iteration to stdout, or -1 to suppress all printing. options['maxiter'] : int(100) if convergence is not achieved in maxiter iterations, and error is raised. Must be >= 0. options['rtol'] : float64(4.4408920985e-16) The routine converges when a root is known to lie within rtol times the value returned of the value returned. Should be >= 0. Defaults to np.finfo(float).eps * 2. options['state_var'] : str('') name of the state-variable/residual the solver should with options['state_var_idx'] : int(0) Index into state_var if it is a vector options['upper_bound'] : float(100.0) upper bound for the root search options['lower_bound'] : float(0.0) lower bound for the root search options['var_lower_bound'] : str('') if given, name of the variable to pull the lower bound value from.This variable must be a parameter on of of the child components of the containing system options['var_upper_bound'] : str('') if given, name of the variable to pull the upper bound value from.This variable must be a parameter on of of the child components of the containing system options['xtol'] : int(0) The routine converges when a root is known to lie within xtol of the value return. Should be >= 0. The routine modifies this to take into account the relative precision of doubles. """ def __init__(self): super(Brent, self).__init__() opt = self.options opt.add_option('xtol', 0, desc='The routine converges when a root is known to lie within xtol of the value return. Should be >= 0. ' 'The routine modifies this to take into account the relative precision of doubles.') opt.add_option('rtol', np.finfo(float).eps * 4., desc='The routine converges when a root is known to lie within rtol times the value returned of ' 'the value returned. Should be >= 0. Defaults to np.finfo(float).eps * 4.') opt.add_option('maxiter', 100, desc='if convergence is not achieved in maxiter iterations, and error is raised. Must be >= 0.') opt.add_option('state_var', '', desc="name of the state-variable/residual the solver should with") opt.add_option('state_var_idx', 0, desc="Index into state_var if it is a vector.") opt.add_option('lower_bound', 0., desc="lower bound for the root search") opt.add_option('upper_bound', 100., desc="upper bound for the root search") opt.add_option('var_lower_bound', '', desc='if given, name of the variable to pull the lower bound value from.' 'This variable must be a parameter on of of the child components of the containing system') opt.add_option('var_upper_bound', '', desc='if given, name of the variable to pull the upper bound value from.' 'This variable must be a parameter on of of the child components of the containing system') # we renamed max_iter to maxiter to match all the other solvers opt._add_deprecation('max_iter', 'maxiter') self.xstar = None self.print_name = 'BRENT' self.basenorm = 0.0
[docs] def setup(self, sub): """ Initialization Args ---- sub: `System` System that owns this solver. """ if self.options['state_var'].strip() == '': pathname = 'root' if sub.pathname=='' else sub.pathname msg = "'state_var' option in Brent solver of %s must be specified" % pathname raise ValueError(msg) # TODO: check to make sure that variable is a scalar self.s_var_name = self.options['state_var'] self.var_lower_bound = None var_lower_bound = self.options['var_lower_bound'] if var_lower_bound.strip() != '': for var_name, meta in iteritems(sub.params): if meta['top_promoted_name'] == var_lower_bound: self.var_lower_bound = var_name break if self.var_lower_bound is None: raise(ValueError("'var_lower_bound' variable '%s' was not found as a parameter on any component in %s"%(var_lower_bound, sub.pathname))) self.var_upper_bound = None var_upper_bound = self.options['var_upper_bound'] if var_upper_bound.strip() != '': for var_name, meta in iteritems(sub.params): if meta['top_promoted_name'] == var_upper_bound: self.var_upper_bound = var_name break if self.var_upper_bound is None: raise(ValueError("'var_lower_bound' variable '%s' was not found as a parameter on any component in %s"%(var_upper_bound, sub.pathname)))
[docs] def solve(self, params, unknowns, resids, system, metadata=None): """ Solves the system using the Brent Method. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) system : `System` Parent `System` object. metadata : dict, optional Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate). """ self.sys = system self.metadata = metadata self.local_meta = create_local_meta(self.metadata, self.sys.pathname) self.sys.ln_solver.local_meta = self.local_meta idx = self.options['state_var_idx'] if self.var_lower_bound is not None: lower = params[self.var_lower_bound] else: lower = self.options['lower_bound'] if self.var_upper_bound is not None: upper = params[self.var_upper_bound] else: upper = self.options['upper_bound'] kwargs = {'maxiter': self.options['maxiter'], 'a': lower, 'b': upper, 'full_output': False, # False, because we don't use the info, so just wastes operations 'args': (params, unknowns, resids) } if self.options['xtol']: kwargs['xtol'] = self.options['xtol'] if self.options['rtol'] > 0: kwargs['rtol'] = self.options['rtol'] # Brent's method self.iter_count = 0 # initial run to compute initial_norm self.sys.children_solve_nonlinear(self.local_meta) self.recorders.record_iteration(system, self.local_meta) # Evaluate Norm self.sys.apply_nonlinear(params, unknowns, resids) self.basenorm = resid_norm_0 = abs(resids._dat[self.s_var_name].val[idx]) failed = False try: xstar = brentq(self._eval, **kwargs) except RuntimeError as err: msg = str(err) if 'different signs' in msg: raise failed = True self.sys = None resid_norm = abs(resids._dat[self.s_var_name].val[idx]) if self.options['iprint'] > 0: if not failed: msg = 'Converged' self.print_norm(self.print_name, system, self.iter_count, resid_norm, resid_norm_0, msg=msg) if failed and self.options['err_on_maxiter']: raise AnalysisError(msg)
def _eval(self, x, params, unknowns, resids): """Callback function for evaluating f(x)""" idx = self.options['state_var_idx'] self.iter_count += 1 update_local_meta(self.local_meta, (self.iter_count, )) unknowns._dat[self.s_var_name].val[idx] = x self.sys.children_solve_nonlinear(self.local_meta) self.sys.apply_nonlinear(params, unknowns, resids) self.recorders.record_iteration(self.sys, self.local_meta) if self.options['iprint'] == 2: normval = abs(resids._dat[self.s_var_name].val[idx]) self.print_norm(self.print_name, self.sys, self.iter_count, normval, self.basenorm) return resids._dat[self.s_var_name].val[idx]