Source code for openmdao.solvers.backtracking

""" Backtracking line search using the Armijo-Goldstein condition."""

from math import isnan

import numpy as np

from openmdao.core.system import AnalysisError
from openmdao.solvers.solver_base import LineSearch
from openmdao.util.record_util import update_local_meta, create_local_meta

[docs]class BackTracking(LineSearch): """A line search subsolver that implements backracking using the Armijo-Goldstein condition.. Options ------- options['err_on_maxiter'] : bool(False) If True, raise an AnalysisError if not converged at maxiter. options['iprint'] : int(0) Set to 0 to print only failures, set to 1 to print iteration totals to stdout, set to 2 to print the residual each iteration to stdout, or -1 to suppress all printing. options['maxiter'] : int(10) Maximum number of line searches. options['solve_subsystems'] : bool(True) Set to True to solve subsystems. You may need this for solvers nested under Newton. options['rho'] : int(0.5) Backtracking step. options['c'] : int(0.5) Slope check trigger. """ def __init__(self): super(BackTracking, self).__init__() opt = self.options opt.add_option('maxiter', 5, lower=0, desc='Maximum number of line searches.') opt.add_option('solve_subsystems', True, desc='Set to True to solve subsystems. You may need this for solvers nested under Newton.') opt.add_option('rho', 0.5, desc="Backtracking step.") opt.add_option('c', 0.5, desc="Slope check trigger.") self.print_name = 'BK_TKG'
[docs] def solve(self, params, unknowns, resids, system, solver, alpha_scalar, alpha, base_u, base_norm, fnorm, fnorm0, metadata=None): """ Take the gradient calculated by the parent solver and figure out how far to go. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) system : `System` Parent `System` object. solver : `Solver` Parent solver instance. alpha_scalar : float Initial over-relaxation factor as used in parent solver. alpha : ndarray Initial over-relaxation factor as used in parent solver, vector (so we don't re-allocate). base_u : ndarray Initial value of unknowns before the Newton step. base_norm : float Norm of the residual prior to taking the Newton step. fnorm : float Norm of the residual after taking the Newton step. fnorm0 : float Initial norm of the residual for iteration printing. metadata : dict, optional Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate). Returns -------- float Norm of the final residual """ maxiter = self.options['maxiter'] rho = self.options['rho'] c = self.options['c'] iprint = self.options['iprint'] result = system.dumat[None] local_meta = create_local_meta(metadata, system.pathname) itercount = 0 ls_alpha = alpha_scalar # Further backtacking if needed. # The Armijo-Goldstein is basically a slope comparison --actual vs predicted. # We don't have an actual gradient, but we have the Newton vector that should # take us to zero, and our "runs" are the same, and we can just compare the # "rise". while itercount < maxiter and (base_norm - fnorm) < c*ls_alpha*base_norm: ls_alpha *= rho # If our step will violate any upper or lower bounds, then reduce # alpha in just that direction so that we only step to that # boundary. unknowns.vec[:] = base_u alpha[:] = ls_alpha alpha = unknowns.distance_along_vector_to_limit(alpha, result) unknowns.vec += alpha*result.vec itercount += 1 # Metadata update update_local_meta(local_meta, (solver.iter_count, itercount)) # Just evaluate the model with the new points if self.options['solve_subsystems']: system.children_solve_nonlinear(local_meta) system.apply_nonlinear(params, unknowns, resids, local_meta) solver.recorders.record_iteration(system, local_meta) fnorm = resids.norm() if iprint == 2: self.print_norm(self.print_name, system, itercount, fnorm, fnorm0, indent=1, solver='LS') # Final residual print if you only want the last one if iprint == 1: self.print_norm(self.print_name, system, itercount, fnorm, fnorm0, indent=1, solver='LS') if itercount >= maxiter or isnan(fnorm): if self.options['err_on_maxiter']: msg = "Solve in '{}': BackTracking failed to converge after {} " \ "iterations." raise AnalysisError(msg.format(system.pathname, maxiter)) msg = 'FAILED to converge after %d iterations' % itercount fail = True else: msg = 'Converged in %d iterations' % itercount fail = False if iprint > 0 or (fail and iprint > -1 ): self.print_norm(self.print_name, system, itercount, fnorm, fnorm0, msg=msg, indent=1, solver='LS') return fnorm