Source code for openmdao.examples.cylinder_opt_example

Example 5 from:

A manufacturer needs to make a cylindrical can that will hold 1.5 liters of
liquid. Determine the dimensions of the can that will minimize the amount
of material used in its construction.

Minimize:     area = 2*pi*r**2 + 2*pi*r*h
Constraint: volume = pi*r**2*h/1000 = 1.5

Optimal values:
    indep.r = 6.2035 cm
    indep.h = 12.407 cm
    cylinder.area = 725.396379 cm**2
    cylinder.volume = 1.5 L

We're going to model our cylinder in two different ways and show that
we get the same result.

from openmdao.api import Problem, Group, Component, IndepVarComp, ExecComp, ScipyOptimizer
from math import pi

[docs]class Cylinder1(Component): """ This is one way to model our cylinder. We can define our own Component class that defines solve_nonlinear() and linearize() methods. """ def __init__(self): super(Cylinder1, self).__init__() self.add_param('r', 0.0, units='cm', desc='radius') self.add_param('h', 0.0, units='cm', desc='height') self.add_output('area', 0.0, units='cm**2') self.add_output('volume', 0.0, units='L')
[docs] def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids): r = params['r'] h = params['h'] unknowns['area'] = 2.0*pi*r**2+2.0*pi*r*h unknowns['volume'] = pi*r**2*h/1000. # div by 1000 to convert to liters
[docs] def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids): J = {} r = params['r'] h = params['h'] J['area','r'] = 4.0*pi*r + 2.0*pi*h J['area','h'] = 2.0*pi*r J['volume','r'] = 2.0*pi*r*h/1000. J['volume','h'] = pi*r**2/1000. return J
[docs]def Cylinder2(): """ This is another way to model our cylinder, by using an ExecComp that contains the equations for cylinder area and volume given radius and height. """ return ExecComp(["area = 2.0*pi*r**2+2.0*pi*r*h", "volume = pi*r**2*h/1000."], units={'r':'cm','h':'cm', 'volume':'L','area':'cm**2'})
[docs]def setup_opt(cylinder): """ Creates a Problem, adds a model for the cylinder, and sets up the optimizer, design variables, and constraints. """ prob = Problem(root=Group()) root = prob.root # add our cylinder component and our independent variables to the # root Group # In OpenMDAO, design variables have to be unknowns, so if you have # parameters that you want to drive with an optimizer like we do in # this case, you have to create an IndepVarComp with unknowns that can # be connected to the parameters that you want to drive. root.add("indep", IndepVarComp([('r', 1.0, {'units':'cm'}), ('h', 1.0, {'units':'cm'})])) root.add('cylinder', cylinder) # connect our independent variables to our cylinder params root.connect("indep.r", "cylinder.r") root.connect("indep.h", "cylinder.h") # set up our SLSQP optimizer prob.driver = ScipyOptimizer() prob.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP' prob.driver.options['disp'] = False # don't display optimizer output # In this case, our design variables are indep.r and indep.h, which happen # to be connected to the r and h parameters on our cylinder component. prob.driver.add_desvar("indep.r", lower=0.0, upper=1.e99) prob.driver.add_desvar("indep.h", lower=0.0, upper=1.e99) # We are minimizing cylinder.area, so that's our objective. prob.driver.add_objective("cylinder.area") # Finally, our cylinder volume is constrained to be 1.5 liters, so we # add a constraint on cyclinder.volume and specify that it must equal 1.5 prob.driver.add_constraint("cylinder.volume", equals=1.5) return prob
[docs]def opt_cylinder1(): """ Perform the optimization using our Cylinder class. """ prob = setup_opt(Cylinder1()) prob.setup(check=False) vnames = ('indep.r', 'indep.h', 'cylinder.area', 'cylinder.volume') # return the optimal values for all cylinder variables return [(name, prob[name]) for name in vnames]
[docs]def opt_cylinder2(): """ Perform the optimization using an ExecComp to model the cylinder. """ prob = setup_opt(Cylinder2()) prob.setup(check=False) vnames = ('indep.r', 'indep.h', 'cylinder.area', 'cylinder.volume') # return the optimal values for all cylinder variables return [(name, prob[name]) for name in vnames]
if __name__ == '__main__': # optimal values should be: # indep.r = 6.2035 # indep.h = 12.407 # cylinder.area = 725.396379 # cylinder.volume = 1.5 print("\nOptimal values using the Cylinder class:") for name, val in opt_cylinder1(): print("%s = %f" % (name, val)) print("\nOptimal values using an ExecComp:") for name, val in opt_cylinder2(): print("%s = %f" % (name, val))