Source code for openmdao.drivers.predeterminedruns_driver

Baseclass for design-of-experiments Drivers that have pre-determined
parameter sets.
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import os
import traceback
import logging
from itertools import chain
from six.moves import zip
from six import next, PY3, iteritems, string_types

import multiprocessing

import numpy

from openmdao.core.problem import _get_root_var
from openmdao.core.driver import Driver
from openmdao.util.record_util import create_local_meta, update_local_meta
from openmdao.util.array_util import evenly_distrib_idxs
from openmdao.core.mpi_wrap import MPI, debug, any_proc_is_true
from openmdao.core.system import AnalysisError
from openmdao.recorders.inmem_recorder import InMemoryRecorder

trace = os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_TRACE')

[docs]def worker(problem, response_vars, case_queue, response_queue, worker_id): # pragma: no cover """This is used to run parallel DOEs using multprocessing. It takes a case off of the case_queue, runs it, then puts responses on the response_queue. """ # set env var so comps/recorders know they're running in a worker proc os.environ['OPENMDAO_WORKER_ID'] = str(worker_id) try: # on windows all of our args are pickled, which causes us to lose the # connections between our numpy views and their parent arrays, so force # the problem to setup() again. if sys.platform == 'win32': problem.setup(check=False) driver = problem.driver root = driver.root terminate = 0 for case_id, case in iter(case_queue.get, 'STOP'):"worker %d, case id %d, case %s" % (worker_id, case_id, case)) if terminate: continue metadata = driver._prep_case(case, case_id) try: terminate, exc = driver._try_case(root, metadata) if terminate: complete_case = (metadata, []) else: complete_case = (metadata, [_get_root_var(root, n) for n in response_vars]) except: # we generally shouldn't get here, but just in case, # handle it so that the main process doesn't hang at the # end when it tries to join all of the concurrent processes. if metadata.get('msg'): metadata['msg'] += "\n\n%s" % traceback.format_exc() else: metadata['msg'] = traceback.format_exc() metadata['success'] = 0 metadata['terminate'] = 1 complete_case = (metadata, []) metadata['id'] = case_id response_queue.put(complete_case) except: logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise
[docs]class PredeterminedRunsDriver(Driver): """ Baseclass for design-of-experiments Drivers that have pre-determined parameter sets. Args ---- num_par_doe : int, optional The number of DOE cases to run concurrently. Defaults to 1. load_balance : bool, Optional If True and running under MPI, use rank 0 as master and load balance cases among all of the other ranks. Default is False. If multiprocessing is being used instead of MPI, then cases are always load balanced. """ def __init__(self, num_par_doe=1, load_balance=False): if type(self) == PredeterminedRunsDriver: raise Exception('PredeterminedRunsDriver is an abstract class') super(PredeterminedRunsDriver, self).__init__() self.options.add_option('auto_add_response', False, desc="If True, all design vars, objectives and " "constraints are automatically added as responses.") self._num_par_doe = int(num_par_doe) self._par_doe_id = 0 self._load_balance = load_balance self._respvars = [] self._resp_recorder = None def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir): """ Assign a communicator to the root `System`. Args ---- comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake) The communicator being offered by the Problem. parent_dir : str Absolute dir of parent `System`. """ root = self.root if self._num_par_doe <= 1: self._num_par_doe = 1 self._load_balance = False self._full_comm = comm # figure out which parallel DOE we are associated with if MPI and self._num_par_doe > 1: minprocs, maxprocs = root.get_req_procs() if self._load_balance: sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe-1, comm.size-1) sizes = [1]+list(sizes) offsets = [0]+[o+1 for o in offsets] else: sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe, comm.size) # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with # an entry for each processor it will be given # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] color = [] self._id_map = {} for i in range(self._num_par_doe): color.extend([i]*sizes[i]) self._id_map[i] = (sizes[i], offsets[i]) self._par_doe_id = color[comm.rank] if self._load_balance: self._casecomm = None else: casecolor = [] for i in range(self._num_par_doe): if sizes[i] > 0: casecolor.append(1) casecolor.extend([MPI.UNDEFINED]*(sizes[i]-1)) # we need a comm that has all the 0 ranks of the subcomms so # we can gather multiple cases run as part of parallel DOE. if trace: # pragma: no cover debug('%s: splitting casecomm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join((root.pathname, 'driver')), self._par_doe_id)) self._casecomm = comm.Split(casecolor[comm.rank]) if trace: # pragma: no cover debug('%s: casecomm split done' % '.'.join((root.pathname, 'driver'))) if self._casecomm == MPI.COMM_NULL: self._casecomm = None # create a sub-communicator for each color and # get the one assigned to our color/process if trace: # pragma: no cover debug('%s: splitting comm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join((root.pathname, 'driver')), self._par_doe_id)) comm = comm.Split(self._par_doe_id) if trace: # pragma: no cover debug('%s: comm split done' % '.'.join((root.pathname, 'driver'))) else: self._casecomm = None # tell RecordingManager it needs to do a multicase gather self.recorders._casecomm = self._casecomm root._setup_communicators(comm, parent_dir)
[docs] def get_req_procs(self): """ Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the form (min_procs, max_procs), indicating the min and max processors usable by this `Driver`. """ minprocs, maxprocs = self.root.get_req_procs() if MPI: minprocs *= self._num_par_doe if MPI and maxprocs is not None: maxprocs *= self._num_par_doe return (minprocs, maxprocs)
[docs] def add_desvar(self, name, lower=None, upper=None, low=None, high=None, indices=None, adder=0.0, scaler=1.0): """ Adds a design variable to this driver. Args ---- name : string Name of the design variable in the root system. lower : float or ndarray, optional Lower boundary for the param upper : upper or ndarray, optional Upper boundary for the param indices : iter of int, optional If a param is an array, these indicate which entries are of interest for derivatives. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. """ super(PredeterminedRunsDriver, self).add_desvar(name, lower=lower, upper=upper, low=low, high=high, indices=indices, adder=adder, scaler=scaler) if self.options['auto_add_response']: self.add_response(name)
[docs] def add_objective(self, name, indices=None, adder=0.0, scaler=1.0): """ Adds an objective to this driver. Args ---- name : string Promoted pathname of the output that will serve as the objective. indices : iter of int, optional If an objective is an array, these indicate which entries are of interest for derivatives. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. """ super(PredeterminedRunsDriver, self).add_objective(name, indices=indices, adder=adder, scaler=scaler) if self.options['auto_add_response']: self.add_response(name)
[docs] def add_constraint(self, name, lower=None, upper=None, equals=None, linear=False, jacs=None, indices=None, adder=0.0, scaler=1.0): """ Adds a constraint to this driver. For inequality constraints, `lower` or `upper` must be specified. For equality constraints, `equals` must be specified. Args ---- name : string Promoted pathname of the output that will serve as the quantity to constrain. lower : float or ndarray, optional Constrain the quantity to be greater than or equal to this value. upper : float or ndarray, optional Constrain the quantity to be less than or equal to this value. equals : float or ndarray, optional Constrain the quantity to be equal to this value. linear : bool, optional Set to True if this constraint is linear with respect to all design variables so that it can be calculated once and cached. jacs : dict of functions, optional Dictionary of user-defined functions that return the flattened Jacobian of this constraint with repsect to the design vars of this driver, as indicated by the dictionary keys. Default is None to let OpenMDAO calculate all derivatives. Note, this is currently unsupported indices : iter of int, optional If a constraint is an array, these indicate which entries are of interest for derivatives. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. """ super(PredeterminedRunsDriver, self).add_constraint(name, lower=lower, upper=upper, equals=equals, linear=linear, jacs=jacs, indices=indices, adder=adder, scaler=scaler) if self.options['auto_add_response']: self.add_response(name)
[docs] def add_response(self, name): """Add a variable(s) whose value will be collected after the execution of each case. Args ---- name : str or iter of str The name of the response variable, or an iterator of names. """ if isinstance(name, string_types): names = (name,) else: names = name for n in names: if n in self._respvars: raise RuntimeError("Response var '%s' has already been added." % n) self._respvars.append(n)
[docs] def get_responses(self): """Returns an iterator over tuples of the form (responses, success, msg), where responses is a list tuples containing variable names and values, success is true if there were no errors when running the case, and msg is an error message if there were errors or an empty string if not. """ if self._resp_recorder is None: iters = () else: iters = self._resp_recorder.iters[:] for data in iters: responses = list(chain(iteritems(data['params']), iteritems(data['unknowns']))) yield (responses, data['success'], data['msg'])
[docs] def get_all_responses(self): """Similar to get_responses(), but this version ensures that each process gets all of the responses. """ if self._casecomm is None: for r in self.get_responses(): yield r else: all_recs = self._casecomm.allgather(self._resp_recorder) for rec in all_recs: if rec is not None: for data in rec.iters: responses = list(chain(iteritems(data['params']), iteritems(data['unknowns']))) yield (responses, data['success'], data['msg'])
def _setup(self): super(PredeterminedRunsDriver, self)._setup() if self._respvars: self._resp_recorder = rec = InMemoryRecorder() rec._parallel = False # force serial so we gather all back to master proc rec.options['includes'] = list(self._respvars) rec.options['record_metadata'] = False rec.options['record_unknowns'] = True rec.options['record_params'] = True rec.options['record_resids'] = False rec.options['record_derivs'] = False self.add_recorder(rec)
[docs] def run(self, problem): """Build a runlist and execute the Problem for each set of generated parameters. """ self.iter_count = 0 if self._resp_recorder is not None: self._resp_recorder.reset() with problem.root._dircontext: if self._num_par_doe > 1: if MPI: if self._load_balance: self._run_lb(problem.root) else: self._run_par_doe(problem.root) else: # use multiprocessing self._run_lb_multiproc(problem) else: self._run_serial()
def _save_case(self, case, meta=None): if self._num_par_doe > 1: if self._load_balance: self.recorders.record_completed_case(self.root, case) else: self.recorders.record_iteration(self.root, meta, dummy=(case is None)) else: self.recorders.record_iteration(self.root, meta) def _prep_case(self, case, iter_count): """Create metadata for the case and set design variables. """ metadata = create_local_meta(None, 'Driver') update_local_meta(metadata, (iter_count,)) for dv_name, dv_val in case: self.set_desvar(dv_name, dv_val) return metadata def _try_case(self, root, metadata): """Run a case and save exception info and mark the metadata if the case fails. """ terminate = False exc = None metadata['terminate'] = 0 try: root.solve_nonlinear(metadata=metadata) except AnalysisError: metadata['msg'] = traceback.format_exc() metadata['success'] = 0 except Exception: metadata['success'] = 0 # this will tell master to stop sending cases in lb case metadata['terminate'] = 1 metadata['msg'] = traceback.format_exc() print(metadata['msg']) if not self._load_balance: exc = sys.exc_info() terminate = True return terminate, exc def _run_serial(self): """This runs a DOE in serial on a single process.""" root = self.root for case in self._build_runlist(): metadata = self._prep_case(case, self.iter_count) terminate, exc = self._try_case(root, metadata) if exc is not None: if PY3: raise exc[0].with_traceback(exc[1], exc[2]) else: # exec needed here since otherwise python3 will # barf with a syntax error :( exec('raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2]') self._save_case(case, metadata) self.iter_count += 1 def _run_par_doe(self, root): """This runs the DOE in parallel where cases are evenly distributed among all processes. """ for case in self._get_case_w_nones(self._distrib_build_runlist()): if case is None: # dummy cases have case == None # must take part in collective Allreduce call any_proc_is_true(self._full_comm, False) metadata = None else: # case is not a dummy case metadata = self._prep_case(case, self.iter_count) terminate, exc = self._try_case(root, metadata) if any_proc_is_true(self._full_comm, terminate): if exc: if PY3: raise exc[0].with_traceback(exc[1], exc[2]) else: # exec needed here since otherwise python3 will # barf with a syntax error :( exec('raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2]') else: raise RuntimeError("an exception was raised by another MPI process.") self._save_case(case, metadata) self.iter_count += 1 def _run_lb(self, root): """This runs the DOE in parallel with load balancing via MPI. A new case is distributed to a worker process as soon as it finishes its previous case. The rank 0 process is the 'master' process and does not run cases itself. The master does nothing but distribute the cases to the workers and collect the results. """ for case in self._distrib_lb_build_runlist(): if self._full_comm.rank == 0: # we're the master rank and case is a completed case self._save_case(case) else: # we're a worker metadata = self._prep_case(case, self.iter_count) self._try_case(root, metadata) # keep meta for worker to send to master self._last_meta = metadata self.iter_count += 1 def _build_case(self, meta, uvars, pvars, numuvars, values): """ Given values returned from a multiproc run, construct a case object that can be passed to recorders. """ if meta['terminate']: print("Worker has requested termination. No more new " "cases will be distributed. Worker traceback was:\n%s" % meta['msg']) return None return { 'u':{n:v for n,v in zip(uvars, values)}, 'p':{n:v for n,v in zip(pvars, values[numuvars:])}, 'r':{}, 'meta': meta } def _run_lb_multiproc(self, problem): """This runs the DOE in parallel with load balancing via multiprocessing. A new case is distributed to a worker process as soon as it finishes its previous case. """ root = problem.root uvars = list(self.recorders._vars_to_record['unames']) pvars = list(self.recorders._vars_to_record['pnames']) response_vars = uvars + pvars numuvars = len(uvars) runiter = self._build_runlist() # Create queues if sys.platform == 'win32': manager = multiprocessing.Manager() task_queue = manager.Queue() done_queue = manager.Queue() else: task_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() done_queue = multiprocessing.Queue() procs = [] terminating = False # Start worker processes for i in range(self._num_par_doe): procs.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args=(problem, response_vars, task_queue, done_queue, i))) for proc in procs: proc.start() iter_count = 0 num_active = 0 empty = {} try: for proc in procs: # case is a generator, so must make a list to send case = list(next(runiter)) task_queue.put((iter_count, case)) iter_count += 1 num_active += 1 except StopIteration: pass else: try: while num_active > 0: meta, values = done_queue.get()"RECEIVED: %d, %s" % (meta['id'], values[2])) complete_case = self._build_case(meta, uvars, pvars, numuvars, values) num_active -= 1 if complete_case is None: # there was a fatal error, don't run more cases break self.recorders.record_completed_case(root, complete_case) case = list(next(runiter)) task_queue.put((iter_count, case)) iter_count += 1 num_active += 1 except StopIteration: pass # tell all workers we're done for proc in procs: task_queue.put('STOP') for i in range(num_active): meta, values = done_queue.get()"RECEIVED: %d, %s" % (meta['id'], values[0])) complete_case = self._build_case(meta, uvars, pvars, numuvars, values) if complete_case is None: # had a fatal error, don't record continue self.recorders.record_completed_case(root, complete_case) for proc in procs: proc.join() def _get_case_w_nones(self, it): """A wrapper around a case generator that returns None cases if any of the other members of the MPI comm have any cases left to run, so that we can prevent hanging calls to gather. """ comm = self._casecomm if comm is None: for case in it: yield case else: cases_remain = numpy.array(1, dtype=int) while True: try: case = next(it) except StopIteration: case = None val = 1 if case is not None else 0 comm.Allreduce(numpy.array(val, dtype=int), cases_remain, op=MPI.SUM) if cases_remain > 0: yield case else: break def _distrib_build_runlist(self): """ Returns an iterator over only those cases meant to execute in the current rank as part of a parallel DOE. _build_runlist will be called on all ranks, but only those cases targeted to this rank will run. Override this method (see LatinHypercubeDriver) if your DOE generator needs to create all cases on one rank and scatter them to other ranks. """ for i, case in enumerate(self._build_runlist()): if (i % self._num_par_doe) == self._par_doe_id: yield case def _distrib_lb_build_runlist(self): """ Runs a load balanced version of the runlist, with the master rank (0) sending a new case to each worker rank as soon as it has finished its last case. """ comm = self._full_comm if self._full_comm.rank == 0: # master rank runiter = self._build_runlist() received = 0 sent = 0 # cases left for each par doe cases = {n:{'count': 0, 'terminate': 0, 'p':{}, 'u':{}, 'r':{}, 'meta':{'success': 1, 'msg': ''}} for n in self._id_map} # create a mapping of ranks to doe_ids, to handle those cases # where a single DOE is executed across multiple processes, i.e., # for each process, we need to know which case it's working on. doe_ids = {} for doe_id, tup in self._id_map.items(): size, offset = tup for i in range(size): doe_ids[i+offset] = doe_id # seed the workers for i in range(1, self._num_par_doe): try: # case is a generator, so must make a list to send case = list(next(runiter)) except StopIteration: break size, offset = self._id_map[i] # send the case to all of the subprocs that will work on it for j in range(size): if trace: # pragma: no cover debug('Sending Seed case %d, %d' % (i, j)) comm.send(case, j+offset, tag=1) if trace: # pragma: no cover debug('Seed Case Sent %d, %d' % (i, j)) cases[i]['count'] += 1 sent += 1 # send the rest of the cases if sent > 0: more_cases = True while True: if trace: # pragma: no cover debug("Waiting on case") worker, p, u, r, meta = comm.recv(tag=2) if trace: # pragma: no cover debug("Case Recieved from Worker %d" % worker ) received += 1 caseinfo = cases[doe_ids[worker]] caseinfo['count'] -= 1 caseinfo['p'].update(p) caseinfo['u'].update(u) caseinfo['r'].update(r) # save certain parts of existing metadata so we don't hide failures oldmeta = caseinfo['meta'] success = oldmeta['success'] if not success: msg = oldmeta['msg'] oldmeta.update(meta) oldmeta['success'] = success oldmeta['msg'] = msg else: oldmeta.update(meta) caseinfo['terminate'] += meta.get('terminate', 0) if caseinfo['count'] == 0: # we've received case from all procs with that doe_id # so the case is complete. # worker has experienced some critical error, so we'll # stop sending new cases and start to wrap things up if caseinfo['terminate'] > 0: more_cases = False print("Worker %d has requested termination. No more new " "cases will be distributed. Worker traceback was:\n%s" % (worker, meta['msg'])) else: # Send case to recorders yield caseinfo if more_cases: try: case = list(next(runiter)) except StopIteration: more_cases = False else: # send a new case to every proc that works on # cases with the current worker doe = doe_ids[worker] size, offset = self._id_map[doe] cases[doe]['terminate'] = 0 cases[doe]['meta'] = {'success': 1, 'msg': ''} for j in range(size): if trace: # pragma: no cover debug("Sending New Case to Worker %d" % worker ) comm.send(case, j+offset, tag=1) if trace: # pragma: no cover debug("Case Sent to Worker %d" % worker ) cases[doe]['count'] += 1 sent += 1 # don't stop until we hear back from every worker process # we sent a case to if received == sent: break # tell all workers to stop for rank in range(1, self._full_comm.size): if trace: # pragma: no cover debug("Make Worker Stop on Rank %d" % rank ) comm.send(None, rank, tag=1) if trace: # pragma: no cover debug("Worker has Stopped on Rank %d" % rank ) else: # worker while True: # wait on a case from the master if trace: debug("Receiving Case from Master") # pragma: no cover case = comm.recv(source=0, tag=1) if trace: debug("Case Received from Master") # pragma: no cover if case is None: # we're done break # yield the case so it can be executed yield case # get local vars from RecordingManager params, unknowns, resids = self.recorders._get_local_case_data(self.root) # tell the master we're done with that case and send local vars if trace: debug("Send Master Local Vars") # pragma: no cover comm.send((comm.rank, params, unknowns, resids, self._last_meta), 0, tag=2) if trace: debug("Local Vars Sent to Master") # pragma: no cover