Source code for openmdao.components.multifi_meta_model

import numpy as np

from openmdao.components.meta_model import MetaModel
from openmdao.core.component import _NotSet

# generate variable names taking into account fidelity level
def _get_name_fi(name, fi_index):
    if fi_index>0:
        return "%s_fi%d" % (name, fi_index+1)
        return name

[docs]class MultiFiMetaModel(MetaModel): """ Class that generalizes the MetaModel class to be able to train surrogates with multi-fidelity training inputs. For a given number of levels of fidelity **nfi** (given at initialization) the corresponding training input variables *train:<invar>_fi<2..nfi>* and *train:<outvar>_fi<2..nfi>* are automatically created besides the given *train:<invar>* and *train:<outvar>* variables. Note the index starts at 2, the index 1 is omitted considering the simple name *<var>* is equivalent to *<var>_fi1* which is intended to be the data of highest fidelity. The surrogate models are trained with a list of (m samples, n dim) ndarrays built from the various training input data. By convention, the fidelities are intended to be ordered from highest to lowest fidelity. Obviously for a given level of fidelity corresponding lists *train:<var>_fi<n>* have to be of the same size. Thus given the initialization:: >>> mm = MultiFiMetaModel(nfi=2)` >>> mm.add_param('x1', 0.) >>> mm.add_param('x2', 0.) >>> mm.add_ouput('y1', 0.) >>> mm.add_ouput('y2', 0.) the following supplementary training input variables ``train:x1_fi2`` and ``train:x2_fi2`` are created together with the classic ones ``train:x1`` and ``train:x2`` and the output variables ``train:y1_fi2`` and ``train:y2_fi2`` are created as well. The embedded surrogate for y1 will be trained with a couple (X, Y). Where X is the list [X_fi1, X_fi2] where X_fi1 is an (m1, 2) ndarray filled with the m1 samples [x1 value, x2 value], X_fi2 is an (m2, 2) ndarray filled with the m2 samples [x1_fi2 value, x2_fi2 value] Where Y is a list [Y1_fi1, Y1_fi2] where Y1_fi1 is a (m1, 1) ndarray of y1 values and Y1_fi2 a (m2, 1) ndarray y1_fi2 values. .. note:: when *nfi* ==1 a :class:`MultiFiMetaModel` object behaves as a :class:`MetaModel` object. Options ------- deriv_options['type'] : str('user') Derivative calculation type ('user', 'fd', 'cs') Default is 'user', where derivative is calculated from user-supplied derivatives. Set to 'fd' to finite difference this system. Set to 'cs' to perform the complex step if your components support it. deriv_options['form'] : str('forward') Finite difference mode. (forward, backward, central) deriv_options['step_size'] : float(1e-06) Default finite difference stepsize deriv_options['step_calc'] : str('absolute') Set to absolute, relative deriv_options['check_type'] : str('fd') Type of derivative check for check_partial_derivatives. Set to 'fd' to finite difference this system. Set to 'cs' to perform the complex step method if your components support it. deriv_options['check_form'] : str('forward') Finite difference mode: ("forward", "backward", "central") During check_partial_derivatives, the difference form that is used for the check. deriv_options['check_step_calc'] : str('absolute',) Set to 'absolute' or 'relative'. Default finite difference step calculation for the finite difference check in check_partial_derivatives. deriv_options['check_step_size'] : float(1e-06) Default finite difference stepsize for the finite difference check in check_partial_derivatives" deriv_options['linearize'] : bool(False) Set to True if you want linearize to be called even though you are using FD. """ def __init__(self, nfi=1): super(MultiFiMetaModel, self).__init__() self._nfi = nfi # generalize MetaModel training inputs to a list of training inputs self._training_input = nfi*[np.zeros(0)] self._input_sizes = nfi*[0]
[docs] def add_param(self, name, val=_NotSet, **kwargs): super(MultiFiMetaModel, self).add_param(name, val, **kwargs) self._input_sizes[0]=self._input_size # Add train:<invar>_fi<n> for fi in range(self._nfi): if fi > 0: name_with_fi = 'train:'+_get_name_fi(name, fi) super(MetaModel, self).add_param(name_with_fi, val=[], pass_by_obj=True) self._input_sizes[fi]+=self._init_params_dict[name]['size']
[docs] def add_output(self, name, val=_NotSet, **kwargs): super(MultiFiMetaModel, self).add_output(name, val, **kwargs) self._training_output[name]=self._nfi*[np.zeros(0)] # Add train:<outvar>_fi<n> for fi in range(self._nfi): if fi > 0: name_with_fi = 'train:'+_get_name_fi(name, fi) super(MetaModel, self).add_param(name_with_fi, val=[], pass_by_obj=True)
def _train(self): """Override MetaModel _train method to take into account multi-fidelity input data. Basicall """ if self._nfi==1: # shortcut: fallback to base class behaviour immediatly super(MultiFiMetaModel, self)._train() return num_sample = self._nfi*[None] for name, sz in self._surrogate_param_names: for fi in range(self._nfi): name = _get_name_fi(name, fi) val = self.params['train:' + name] if num_sample[fi] is None: num_sample[fi] = len(val) elif len(val) != num_sample[fi]: msg = "MetaModel: Each variable must have the same number"\ " of training points. Expected {0} but found {1} "\ "points for '{2}'."\ .format(num_sample[fi], len(val), name) raise RuntimeError(msg) for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: for fi in range(self._nfi): name = _get_name_fi(name, fi) val = self.params['train:' + name] if len(val) != num_sample[fi]: msg = "MetaModel: Each variable must have the same number" \ " of training points. Expected {0} but found {1} " \ "points for '{2}'." \ .format(num_sample[fi], len(val), name) raise RuntimeError(msg) if self.warm_restart: inputs = [] new_inputs = self._nfi*[None] num_old_pts = self._nfi*[0] for fi in range(self._nfi): num_old_pts[fi] = self._training_input[fi].shape[0] inputs.append(np.zeros((num_sample[fi] + num_old_pts[fi], self._input_sizes[fi]))) if num_old_pts[fi] > 0: inputs[fi][:num_old_pts[fi], :] = self._training_input[fi] new_inputs[fi] = inputs[fi][num_old_pts[fi]:, :] else: inputs = [np.zeros((num_sample[fi], self._input_sizes[fi])) for fi in range(self._nfi)] new_inputs = inputs self._training_input = inputs # add training data for each input idx = self._nfi*[0] for name, sz in self._surrogate_param_names: for fi in range(self._nfi): if num_sample[fi] > 0: name = _get_name_fi(name, fi) val = self.params['train:' + name] if isinstance(val[0], float): new_inputs[fi][:, idx[fi]] = val idx[fi] += 1 else: for row_idx, v in enumerate(val): if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = np.array(v) new_inputs[fi][row_idx, idx[fi]:idx[fi]+sz] = v.flat # add training data for each output outputs=self._nfi*[None] new_outputs=self._nfi*[None] for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: for fi in range(self._nfi): name_fi = _get_name_fi(name, fi) if num_sample[fi] > 0: output_size = if self.warm_restart: outputs[fi] = np.zeros((num_sample[fi] + num_old_pts[fi], output_size)) if num_old_pts[fi] > 0: outputs[fi][:num_old_pts[fi], :] = self._training_output[name][fi] self._training_output[name][fi] = outputs[fi] new_outputs[fi] = outputs[fi][num_old_pts[fi]:, :] else: outputs[fi] = np.zeros((num_sample[fi], output_size)) self._training_output[name] = [] self._training_output[name].extend(outputs) new_outputs = outputs val = self.params['train:' + name_fi] if isinstance(val[0], float): new_outputs[fi][:, 0] = val else: for row_idx, v in enumerate(val): if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = np.array(v) new_outputs[fi][row_idx, :] = v.flat surrogate = self._init_unknowns_dict[name].get('surrogate') if surrogate is not None: surrogate.train_multifi(self._training_input, self._training_output[name]) self.train = False