Source code for openmdao.util.profile

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import time
import inspect
import fnmatch
import argparse
import json
import atexit
import types
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import wraps
from struct import Struct
from ctypes import Structure, c_uint, c_float

from six import iteritems

from openmdao.core.mpi_wrap import MPI
from openmdao.core.problem import Problem
from openmdao.core.system import System
from import Group
from openmdao.core.component import Component
from openmdao.core.driver import Driver
from openmdao.solvers.solver_base import SolverBase
from openmdao.recorders.recording_manager import RecordingManager
from openmdao.devtools.d3graph import webview

[docs]def get_method_class(meth): """Return the class that actually defined the given method.""" for cls in inspect.getmro(meth.__self__.__class__): if meth.__name__ in cls.__dict__: return cls
class _ProfData(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('t',c_float), ('tstamp',c_float), ('id',c_uint) ] _profile_methods = None _profile_prefix = None _profile_out = None _profile_by_class = None _profile_start = None _profile_setup = False _profile_total = 0.0 _profile_struct = _ProfData() _profile_funcs_dict = OrderedDict() def _obj_iter(top): """Iterator over objects to be checked for functions to wrap for profiling. The top object must be a Problem or a System or an exception will be raised. """ if not isinstance(top, (Problem, System)): raise TypeError("Error in profile object iterator. " "Top object must be a Problem or System.") if isinstance(top, Problem): yield top yield top.driver if top.driver.recorders._recorders: yield top.driver.recorders root = top.root else: root = top for s in root.subsystems(recurse=True, include_self=True): yield s if isinstance(s, Group): yield s.ln_solver yield s.nl_solver if s.ln_solver.recorders._recorders: yield s.ln_solver.recorders if s.nl_solver.recorders._recorders: yield s.nl_solver.recorders
[docs]def setup(top, prefix='prof_raw', methods=None, by_class=False, obj_iter=_obj_iter): """ Instruments certain important openmdao methods for profiling. Args ---- top : object The top object to be profiled. The top object must be an instance of a class that is compatible with the object iterator function. The default object iterator function expects the top object to be a Problem or a System. prefix : str ('prof_raw') Prefix used for the raw profile data. Process rank will be appended to it to get the actual filename. When not using MPI, rank=0. methods : dict, optional A dict of profiled methods to override the default set. The key is the method name and the value is a tuple of class objects used for isinstance checking. The default set of methods is: :: { "setup": (Problem,), "run": (Problem,), "calc_gradient": (Problem,), "solve_nonlinear": (System,), "apply_nonlinear": (System,), "solve_linear": (System,), "apply_linear": (System,), "solve": (SolverBase,), "fd_jacobian": (System,), "linearize": (System,), "complex_step_jacobian": (Component,), "record_iteration": (RecordingManager,), "record_derivatives": (RecordingManager,), "_transfer_data": (Group,), } by_class : bool (False) If True, use class names to group call information rather than instance names. obj_iter : function, optional An iterator that provides objects to be checked for matching profile methods. The default object iterator iterates over a Problem or System. """ global _profile_prefix, _profile_methods, _profile_by_class global _profile_setup, _profile_total, _profile_out if _profile_setup: raise RuntimeError("profiling is already set up.") _profile_prefix = prefix _profile_by_class = by_class _profile_setup = True if methods: _profile_methods = methods else: _profile_methods = { "setup": (Problem,), "run": (Problem,), "calc_gradient": (Problem,), "solve_nonlinear": (System,), "apply_nonlinear": (System,), "solve_linear": (System,), "apply_linear": (System,), "solve": (SolverBase,), "fd_jacobian": (System,), "linearize": (System,), "complex_step_jacobian": (Component,), "record_iteration": (RecordingManager,), "record_derivatives": (RecordingManager,), "_transfer_data": (Group,), } rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank if MPI else 0 _profile_out = open("%s.%d" % (_profile_prefix, rank), 'wb') atexit.register(_finalize_profile) # wrap a bunch of methods for profiling for obj in obj_iter(top): for meth, classes in iteritems(_profile_methods): if isinstance(obj, classes): match = getattr(obj, meth, None) if match is not None: setattr(obj, meth, _profile_dec()(match).__get__(obj, obj.__class__))
[docs]def start(): """Turn on profiling. """ global _profile_start if _profile_start is not None: print("profiling is already active.") return _profile_start = time.time()
[docs]def stop(): """Turn off profiling. """ global _profile_total, _profile_start if _profile_start is None: return _profile_total += (time.time() - _profile_start) _profile_start = None
def _iter_raw_prof_file(rawname, fdict=None): """Returns an iterator of (elapsed_time, timestamp, funcpath) from a raw profile data file. """ global _profile_struct if fdict is None: fdict = {} fn, ext = os.path.splitext(rawname) funcs_fname = "funcs_" + fn + ext with open(funcs_fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() path, ident = line.split(' ') fdict[ident] = path with open(rawname, 'rb') as f: while f.readinto(_profile_struct): path = fdict[str(] yield _profile_struct.t, _profile_struct.tstamp, path def _finalize_profile(): """called at exit to write out the file mapping function call paths to identifiers. """ global _profile_prefix, _profile_funcs_dict, _profile_total stop() rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank if MPI else 0 with open("funcs_%s.%d" % (_profile_prefix, rank), 'w') as f: for name, ident in iteritems(_profile_funcs_dict): f.write("%s %s\n" % (name, ident)) # also write out the total time so that we can report how much of # the runtime is invisible to our profile. f.write("%s %s\n" % (_profile_total, "@total")) class _profile_dec(object): """ Use as a decorator on functions that should be profiled. The data collected will include time elapsed, number of calls, ... """ _call_stack = [] def __init__(self): = None def __call__(self, fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): global _profile_out, _profile_by_class, _profile_struct, \ _profile_funcs_dict, _profile_start if _profile_start is not None: if is None: if _profile_by_class: try: name = get_method_class(fn).__name__ except AttributeError: name = '<?>' else: # profile by instance try: name = fn.__self__.pathname except AttributeError: name = "<%s>" % args[0].__class__.__name__ name = '.'.join((name, fn.__name__)) = name else: name = stack = _profile_dec._call_stack if stack: caller = stack[-1] else: caller = '' stack.append(name) path = ','.join(stack) if path not in _profile_funcs_dict: # save the id for this path _profile_funcs_dict[path] = len(_profile_funcs_dict) start = time.time() ret = fn(*args[1:], **kwargs) end = time.time() stack.pop() _profile_struct.t = end - start _profile_struct.tstamp = start = _profile_funcs_dict[path] _profile_out.write(_profile_struct) return ret else: return fn(*args[1:], **kwargs) return wrapper def _update_counts(dct, name, elapsed): try: d = dct[name] except KeyError: dct[name] = d = { 'count': 1, 'time': elapsed, } return d['count'] += 1 d['time'] += elapsed def _get_dict(path, parts, funcs, totals): name = parts[-1] fdict = funcs[path] tdict = totals[name] return { 'name': name, 'children': [], 'time': fdict['time'], 'tot_time': tdict['time'], 'count': fdict['count'], 'tot_count': tdict['count'], }
[docs]def process_profile(flist): """Take the generated raw profile data, potentially from multiple files, and combine it to get hierarchy structure and total execution counts and timing data. Args ---- flist : list of str Names of raw profiling data files. """ nfiles = len(flist) proc_trees = [] funcs = {} totals = {} total_under_profile = 0.0 tops = set() for fname in flist: fdict = {} ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] try: extval = int(ext.lstrip('.')) dec = ext except: dec = False for t, tstamp, funcpath in _iter_raw_prof_file(fname, fdict): parts = funcpath.split(',') # for multi-file MPI profiles, decorate names with the rank if nfiles > 1 and dec: parts = ["%s%s" % (p,dec) for p in parts] funcpath = ','.join(parts) name = parts[-1] elapsed = float(t) _update_counts(totals, name, elapsed) _update_counts(funcs, funcpath, elapsed) stack = parts[:-1] if not stack: tops.add(funcpath) total_under_profile += float(fdict['@total']) tree = { 'name': '.', # this name has to be '.' and not '', else we have issues # when combining multiple files due to sort order 'time': 0., # keep track of total time under profiling, so that we # can see if there is some time that isn't accounted for by the # functions we've chosen to profile. 'tot_time': total_under_profile, 'count': 1, 'tot_count': 1, 'children': [], } tmp = {} # just for temporary lookup of objects for path, fdict in sorted(iteritems(funcs)): parts = path.split(',') dct = _get_dict(path, parts, funcs, totals) tmp[path] = dct if path in tops: tree['children'].append(dct) tree['time'] += dct['time'] else: caller = ','.join(parts[:-1]) tmp[caller]['children'].append(dct) return tree, totals
[docs]def prof_dump(fname, include_tstamp=True): """Print the contents of the given raw profile data file to stdout. Args ---- fname : str Name of raw profile data file. include_tstamp : bool (True) If True, include the timestamp in the dump. """ if include_tstamp: for t, tstamp, funcpath in _iter_raw_prof_file(fname): print(funcpath, t, tstamp) else: for t, _, funcpath in _iter_raw_prof_file(fname): print(funcpath, t)
[docs]def prof_totals(): """Called from the command line to create a file containing total elapsed times and number of calls for all profiled functions. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', action='store', dest='outfile', metavar='OUTFILE', default='sys.stdout', help='Name of file containing function total counts and elapsed times.') parser.add_argument('rawfiles', metavar='rawfile', nargs='*', help='File(s) containing raw profile data to be processed. Wildcards are allowed.') options = parser.parse_args() if not options.rawfiles: print("No files to process.") sys.exit(0) if options.outfile == 'sys.stdout': out_stream = sys.stdout else: out_stream = open(options.outfile, 'w') _, totals = process_profile(options.rawfiles) try: out_stream.write("Function Name, Total Time, Calls\n") for func, data in sorted(((k,v) for k,v in iteritems(totals)), key=lambda x:x[1]['time'], reverse=True): out_stream.write("%s, %s, %s\n" % (func, data['time'], data['count'])) finally: if out_stream is not sys.stdout: out_stream.close()
[docs]def prof_view(): """Called from a command line to generate an html viewer for profile data.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--show', action='store_true', dest='show', help="Pop up a browser to view the data.") parser.add_argument('-v','--viewer', action='store', dest='viewer', default="icicle", help="Select which viewer to use (sunburst or icicle)") parser.add_argument('rawfiles', metavar='rawfile', nargs='*', help='File(s) containing raw profile data to be processed. Wildcards are allowed.') options = parser.parse_args() if not options.rawfiles: print("No files to process.") sys.exit(0) call_graph, totals = process_profile(options.rawfiles) viewer = options.viewer + ".html" code_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(code_dir, viewer), "r") as f: template = graphjson = json.dumps(call_graph) outfile = 'profile_' + viewer with open(outfile, 'w') as f: s = template.replace("<call_graph_data>", graphjson) f.write(s) if webview(outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__': prof_dump(sys.argv[1])