Source code for openmdao.recorders.inmem_recorder

Class definition for InMemoryRecorder, a recorder that records values
in a memory resident object.  Note that this is primarily for testing,
and using it for real problems could use up large amounts of memory.

import sys

from six import string_types, iteritems

from openmdao.core.mpi_wrap import MPI
from openmdao.recorders.base_recorder import BaseRecorder
from openmdao.util.record_util import format_iteration_coordinate

[docs]class InMemoryRecorder(BaseRecorder): """ Recorder that saves cases in memory. Note, this may take up large amounts of memory, so it is not recommended for large models or models with lots of iterations. Options ------- options['record_metadata'] : bool(True) Tells recorder whether to record variable attribute metadata. options['record_unknowns'] : bool(True) Tells recorder whether to record the unknowns vector. options['record_params'] : bool(False) Tells recorder whether to record the params vector. options['record_resids'] : bool(False) Tells recorder whether to record the ressiduals vector. options['record_derivs'] : bool(True) Tells recorder whether to record derivatives that are requested by a `Driver`. options['includes'] : list of strings Patterns for variables to include in recording. options['excludes'] : list of strings Patterns for variables to exclude in recording (processed after includes). """ def __init__(self): super(InMemoryRecorder, self).__init__() self._parallel = True self.iters = [] self.deriv_iters = [] self.meta = {}
[docs] def record_iteration(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata): """Record the given run data in memory. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) metadata : dict Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate). """ data = {} iteration_coordinate = metadata['coord'] data['timestamp'] = metadata['timestamp'] data['iter'] = format_iteration_coordinate(iteration_coordinate) data['success'] = metadata['success'] data['msg'] = metadata['msg'] if self.options['record_params']: data['params'] = {p:v for p,v in iteritems(self._filter_vector(params,'p', iteration_coordinate))} if self.options['record_unknowns']: data['unknowns'] = {u:v for u,v in iteritems(self._filter_vector(unknowns,'u', iteration_coordinate))} if self.options['record_resids']: data['resids'] = {r:v for r,v in iteritems(self._filter_vector(resids,'r', iteration_coordinate))} self.iters.append(data)
[docs] def record_metadata(self, group): """Save the metadata of the given group. Args ---- group : `System` `System` containing vectors """ self.meta['unknowns'] = {n:m.copy() for n,m in iteritems(group.unknowns)} self.meta['params'] = {n:m.copy() for n,m in iteritems(group.params)}
[docs] def record_derivatives(self, derivs, metadata): """Saves the derivatives that were calculated for the driver. Args ---- derivs : dict Dictionary containing derivatives metadata : dict, optional Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate). """ data = {} iteration_coordinate = metadata['coord'] timestamp = metadata['timestamp'] data['timestamp'] = timestamp data['Derivatives'] = derivs self.deriv_iters.append(data)