Source code for openmdao.components.meta_model

""" Metamodel provides basic Meta Modeling capability."""

import sys
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

from openmdao.core.component import Component, _NotSet
from six import iteritems

[docs]class MetaModel(Component): """Class that creates a reduced order model for outputs from parameters. Each output may have it's own surrogate model. Training inputs and outputs are automatically created with 'train:' prepended to the corresponding parameter/output name. For a Float variable, the training data is an array of length m. Options ------- deriv_options['type'] : str('user') Derivative calculation type ('user', 'fd', 'cs') Default is 'user', where derivative is calculated from user-supplied derivatives. Set to 'fd' to finite difference this system. Set to 'cs' to perform the complex step if your components support it. deriv_options['form'] : str('forward') Finite difference mode. (forward, backward, central) deriv_options['step_size'] : float(1e-06) Default finite difference stepsize deriv_options['step_calc'] : str('absolute') Set to absolute, relative deriv_options['check_type'] : str('fd') Type of derivative check for check_partial_derivatives. Set to 'fd' to finite difference this system. Set to 'cs' to perform the complex step method if your components support it. deriv_options['check_form'] : str('forward') Finite difference mode: ("forward", "backward", "central") During check_partial_derivatives, the difference form that is used for the check. deriv_options['check_step_calc'] : str('absolute',) Set to 'absolute' or 'relative'. Default finite difference step calculation for the finite difference check in check_partial_derivatives. deriv_options['check_step_size'] : float(1e-06) Default finite difference stepsize for the finite difference check in check_partial_derivatives" deriv_options['linearize'] : bool(False) Set to True if you want linearize to be called even though you are using FD. """ def __init__(self): super(MetaModel, self).__init__() # This surrogate will be used for all outputs that don't have # a specific surrogate assigned to them self.default_surrogate = None # keep list of params and outputs that are not the training vars self._surrogate_param_names = [] self._surrogate_output_names = [] # training will occur on first execution self.train = True self._training_input = np.zeros(0) self._training_output = {} # When set to False (default), the metamodel retrains with the new # dataset whenever the training data values are changed. When set to # True, the new data is appended to the old data and all of the data # is used to train. self.warm_restart = False # keeps track of which sur_<name> slots are full self._surrogate_overrides = set() self._input_size = 0
[docs] def add_param(self, name, val=_NotSet, training_data=None, **kwargs): """ Add a `param` input to this component and a corresponding training parameter. Args ---- name : string Name of the input. val : float or ndarray or object Initial value for the input. training_data : float or ndarray training data for this variable. Optional, can be set by the problem later. """ if training_data is None: training_data = [] super(MetaModel, self).add_param(name, val, **kwargs) super(MetaModel, self).add_param('train:'+name, val=training_data, pass_by_obj=True) input_size = self._init_params_dict[name]['size'] self._surrogate_param_names.append((name, input_size)) self._input_size += input_size
[docs] def add_output(self, name, val=_NotSet, training_data=None, **kwargs): """ Add an output to this component and a corresponding training output. Args ---- name : string Name of the variable output. val : float or ndarray Initial value for the output. While the value is overwritten during execution, it is useful for infering size. training_data : float or ndarray training data for this variable. Optional, can be set by the problem later. """ if training_data is None: training_data = [] super(MetaModel, self).add_output(name, val, **kwargs) super(MetaModel, self).add_param('train:'+name, val=training_data, pass_by_obj=True) try: output_shape = self._init_unknowns_dict[name]['shape'] except KeyError: #then its some kind of object, and just assume scalar training data output_shape = 1 self._surrogate_output_names.append((name, output_shape)) self._training_output[name] = np.zeros(0) if self._init_unknowns_dict[name].get('surrogate'): self._init_unknowns_dict[name]['default_surrogate'] = False else: self._init_unknowns_dict[name]['default_surrogate'] = True
def _setup_variables(self, compute_indices=False): """Returns our params and unknowns dictionaries, re-keyed to use absolute variable names. Also instantiates surrogates for the output variables that use the default surrogate. Args ---- compute_indices : bool, optional If True, call setup_distrib() to set values of 'src_indices' metadata. """ # create an instance of the default surrogate for outputs that # did not have a surrogate specified if self.default_surrogate is not None: for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: if self._init_unknowns_dict[name].get('default_surrogate'): surrogate = deepcopy(self.default_surrogate) self._init_unknowns_dict[name]['surrogate'] = surrogate # training will occur on first execution after setup self.train = True return super(MetaModel, self)._setup_variables(compute_indices)
[docs] def check_setup(self, out_stream=sys.stdout): """Write a report to the given stream indicating any potential problems found with the current configuration of this ``MetaModel``. Args ---- out_stream : a file-like object, optional """ # All outputs must have surrogates assigned # either explicitly or through the default surrogate if self.default_surrogate is None: no_sur = [] for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: surrogate = self._init_unknowns_dict[name].get('surrogate') if surrogate is None: no_sur.append(name) if len(no_sur) > 0: msg = ("No default surrogate model is defined and the following" " outputs do not have a surrogate model:\n%s\n" "Either specify a default_surrogate, or specify a " "surrogate model for all outputs." % no_sur) out_stream.write(msg)
[docs] def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids): """Predict outputs. If the training flag is set, train the metamodel first. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper`, optional `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper`, optional `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper`, optional `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) """ # Train first if self.train: self._train() # Now Predict for current inputs inputs = self._params_to_inputs(params) for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: surrogate = self._init_unknowns_dict[name].get('surrogate') if surrogate: unknowns[name] = surrogate.predict(inputs) else: raise RuntimeError("Metamodel '%s': No surrogate specified for output '%s'" % (self.pathname, name))
def _params_to_inputs(self, params, out=None): """ Converts from a dictionary of parameters to the ndarray input. """ array_real = True if out is None: inputs = np.zeros(self._input_size) else: inputs = out idx = 0 for name, sz in self._surrogate_param_names: val = params[name] if isinstance(val, list): val = np.array(val) if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if array_real and np.issubdtype(val.dtype, complex): array_real = False inputs = inputs.astype(complex) inputs[idx:idx + sz] = val.flat idx += sz else: inputs[idx] = val idx += 1 return inputs
[docs] def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids): """ Returns the Jacobian as a dictionary whose keys are tuples of the form ('unknown', 'param') and whose values are ndarrays. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) Returns ------- dict Dictionary whose keys are tuples of the form ('unknown', 'param') and whose values are ndarrays. """ jac = {} inputs = self._params_to_inputs(params) for uname, _ in self._surrogate_output_names: surrogate = self._init_unknowns_dict[uname].get('surrogate') sjac = surrogate.linearize(inputs) idx = 0 for pname, sz in self._surrogate_param_names: jac[(uname, pname)] = sjac[:, idx:idx+sz] idx += sz return jac
def _train(self): """ Train the metamodel, if necessary, using the provided training data. """ num_sample = None for name, sz in self._surrogate_param_names: val = self.params['train:' + name] if num_sample is None: num_sample = len(val) elif len(val) != num_sample: msg = "MetaModel: Each variable must have the same number"\ " of training points. Expected {0} but found {1} "\ "points for '{2}'."\ .format(num_sample, len(val), name) raise RuntimeError(msg) for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: val = self.params['train:' + name] if len(val) != num_sample: msg = "MetaModel: Each variable must have the same number" \ " of training points. Expected {0} but found {1} " \ "points for '{2}'." \ .format(num_sample, len(val), name) raise RuntimeError(msg) if self.warm_restart: num_old_pts = self._training_input.shape[0] inputs = np.zeros((num_sample + num_old_pts, self._input_size)) if num_old_pts > 0: inputs[:num_old_pts, :] = self._training_input new_input = inputs[num_old_pts:, :] else: inputs = np.zeros((num_sample, self._input_size)) new_input = inputs self._training_input = inputs # add training data for each input if num_sample > 0: idx = 0 for name, sz in self._surrogate_param_names: val = self.params['train:' + name] if isinstance(val[0], float): new_input[:, idx] = val idx += 1 else: for row_idx, v in enumerate(val): if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = np.array(v) new_input[row_idx, idx:idx+sz] = v.flat # add training data for each output for name, shape in self._surrogate_output_names: if num_sample > 0: output_size = if self.warm_restart: outputs = np.zeros((num_sample + num_old_pts, output_size)) if num_old_pts > 0: outputs[:num_old_pts, :] = self._training_output[name] self._training_output[name] = outputs new_output = outputs[num_old_pts:, :] else: outputs = np.zeros((num_sample, output_size)) self._training_output[name] = outputs new_output = outputs val = self.params['train:' + name] if isinstance(val[0], float): new_output[:, 0] = val else: for row_idx, v in enumerate(val): if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = np.array(v) new_output[row_idx, :] = v.flat surrogate = self._init_unknowns_dict[name].get('surrogate') if surrogate is not None: surrogate.train(self._training_input, self._training_output[name]) self.train = False def _get_fd_params(self): """ Get the list of parameters that are needed to perform a finite difference on this `Component`. Returns ------- list of str List of names of params for this `Component` . """ return [k for k, acc in iteritems(self.params._dat) if not (acc.pbo or k.startswith('train'))] def _get_fd_unknowns(self): """ Get the list of unknowns that are needed to perform a finite difference on this `Component`. Returns ------- list of str List of names of unknowns for this `Component`. """ return [k for k, acc in iteritems(self.unknowns._dat) if not (acc.pbo or k.startswith('train'))]