Source code for openmdao.core.parallel_fd_group

""" Defines the base class for a Group in OpenMDAO."""

from __future__ import print_function

import os
from six import itervalues

from import Group
from openmdao.util.array_util import evenly_distrib_idxs
from openmdao.core.mpi_wrap import MPI

trace = os.environ.get('OPENMDAO_TRACE')
if trace: # pragma: no cover
    from openmdao.core.mpi_wrap import debug

[docs]class ParallelFDGroup(Group): """A Group that can do finite difference in parallel. Args ---- num_par_fds : int(1) Number of FD's to perform in parallel. If num_par_fds is 1, this just behaves like a normal Group. Options ------- fd_options['force_fd'] : bool(True) Set to True to finite difference this system. fd_options['form'] : str('forward') Finite difference mode. (forward, backward, central) You can also set to 'complex_step' to perform the complex step method if your components support it. fd_options['step_size'] : float(1e-06) Default finite difference stepsize fd_options['step_type'] : str('absolute') Set to absolute, relative fd_options['extra_check_partials_form'] : None or str Finite difference mode: ("forward", "backward", "central", "complex_step") During check_partial_derivatives, you can optionally do a second finite difference with a different mode. fd_options['linearize'] : bool(False) Set to True if you want linearize to be called even though you are using FD. """ def __init__(self, num_par_fds): super(ParallelFDGroup, self).__init__() self.fd_options['force_fd'] = True # change default self._num_par_fds = num_par_fds self._par_fd_id = 0 def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir): """ Assign communicator to this `Group` and all of its subsystems. Args ---- comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake) The communicator being offered by the parent system. parent_dir : str Absolute dir of parent `System`. """ if self._num_par_fds < 1: raise ValueError("'%s': num_par_fds must be >= 1 but value is %s." % (self.pathname, self._num_par_fds)) if not MPI: self._num_par_fds = 1 self._full_comm = comm # figure out which parallel FD we are associated with if self._num_par_fds > 1: minprocs, maxprocs = super(ParallelFDGroup, self).get_req_procs() sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_fds, comm.size) # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with # an entry for each processor it will be given # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] color = [] for i in range(self._num_par_fds): color.extend([i]*sizes[i]) self._par_fd_id = color[comm.rank] # create a sub-communicator for each color and # get the one assigned to our color/process if trace: debug('%s: splitting comm, fd_id=%s' % (self.pathname, self._par_fd_id)) comm = comm.Split(self._par_fd_id) self._local_subsystems = [] self.comm = comm self._setup_dir(parent_dir) for sub in itervalues(self._subsystems): sub._setup_communicators(comm, self._sysdata.absdir) if self.is_active() and sub.is_active(): self._local_subsystems.append(sub)
[docs] def get_req_procs(self): """ Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the form (min_procs, max_procs), indicating the min and max processors usable by this `Group`. """ minprocs, maxprocs = super(ParallelFDGroup, self).get_req_procs() minprocs *= self._num_par_fds if maxprocs is not None: maxprocs *= self._num_par_fds return (minprocs, maxprocs)