Source code for openmdao.solvers.ln_gauss_seidel

""" OpenMDAO LinearSolver that uses linear Gauss Seidel."""

from __future__ import print_function

from six import iteritems, itervalues
from collections import OrderedDict

from openmdao.solvers.solver_base import LinearSolver

[docs]class LinearGaussSeidel(LinearSolver): """ LinearSolver that uses linear Gauss Seidel. Options ------- options['atol'] : float(1e-12) Absolute convergence tolerance. options['iprint'] : int(0) Set to 0 to disable printing, set to 1 to print the residual to stdout each iteration, set to 2 to print subiteration residuals as well. options['maxiter'] : int(1) Maximum number of iterations. options['mode'] : str('auto') Derivative calculation mode, set to 'fwd' for forward mode, 'rev' for reverse mode, or 'auto' to let OpenMDAO determine the best mode. options['rtol'] : float(1e-10) Absolute convergence tolerance. """ def __init__(self): super(LinearGaussSeidel, self).__init__() opt = self.options opt.add_option('atol', 1e-12, lower=0.0, desc='Absolute convergence tolerance.') opt.add_option('rtol', 1e-10, lower=0.0, desc='Absolute convergence tolerance.') opt.add_option('maxiter', 1, lower=1, desc='Maximum number of iterations.') opt.add_option('mode', 'auto', values=['fwd', 'rev', 'auto'], desc="Derivative calculation mode, set to 'fwd' for " + "forward mode, 'rev' for reverse mode, or 'auto' to " + "let OpenMDAO determine the best mode.") opt.add_option('single_voi_relevance_reduction', False, values=[True, False], desc="If True, use relevance reduction even for" " individual variables of interest. This " "may increase performance but will use " "more memory.") self.print_name = 'LN_GS'
[docs] def setup(self, group): """ Solvers override to define post-setup initiailzation. Args ---- group: `Group` Group that owns this solver. """ super(LinearGaussSeidel, self).setup(group) self._vois = [None] for vois in group._probdata.relevance.vars_of_interest(): self._vois.extend(vois)
[docs] def solve(self, rhs_mat, system, mode): """ Solves the linear system for the problem in self.system. The full solution vector is returned. Args ---- rhs_mat : dict of ndarray Dictionary containing one ndarry per top level quantity of interest. Each array contains the right-hand side for the linear solve. system : `System` Parent `System` object. mode : string Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'. Returns ------- dict of ndarray : Solution vectors """ dumat = system.dumat drmat = system.drmat dpmat = system.dpmat gs_outputs = system._get_gs_outputs(mode, self._vois) relevance = system._probdata.relevance fwd = mode == 'fwd' system.clear_dparams() for voi in rhs_mat: dumat[voi].vec[:] = 0.0 vois = rhs_mat.keys() # John starts with the following. It is not necessary, but # uncommenting it helps to debug when comparing print outputs to his. # for voi in vois: # drmat[voi].vec[:] = -rhs_mat[voi] sol_buf = OrderedDict() f_norm0, f_norm = 1.0, 1.0 self.iter_count = 0 maxiter = self.options['maxiter'] while self.iter_count < maxiter and f_norm > self.options['atol'] \ and f_norm/f_norm0 > self.options['rtol']: if fwd: for sub in itervalues(system._subsystems): for voi in vois: #print('pre scatter', sub.pathname, 'dp', dpmat[voi].vec, # 'du', dumat[voi].vec, 'dr', drmat[voi].vec) system._transfer_data(, deriv=True, var_of_interest=voi) #print('pre apply', sub.pathname, 'dp', dpmat[voi].vec, # 'du', dumat[voi].vec, 'dr', drmat[voi].vec) # we need to loop over all subsystems in order to make # the necessary collective calls to scatter, but only # active subsystems do anything else if not sub.is_active(): continue # print(, sorted(gs_outputs['fwd'][][None])) # Groups and all other systems just call their own # apply_linear. sub._sys_apply_linear(mode, system._do_apply, vois=vois, gs_outputs=gs_outputs['fwd'][]) # for voi in vois: # print('post apply', dpmat[voi].vec, dumat[voi].vec, drmat[voi].vec) for voi in vois: drmat[voi].vec *= -1.0 drmat[voi].vec += rhs_mat[voi] dpmat[voi].vec[:] = 0.0 sub.solve_linear(sub.dumat, sub.drmat, vois, mode=mode) # for voi in vois: # print('post solve', dpmat[voi].vec, dumat[voi].vec, drmat[voi].vec) for voi in vois: sol_buf[voi] = dumat[voi].vec else: for sub in reversed(list(itervalues(system._subsystems))): active = sub.is_active() for voi in vois: if active: dumat[voi].vec *= 0.0 #print('pre scatter', sub.pathname, voi, dpmat[voi].vec, dumat[voi].vec, drmat[voi].vec) system._transfer_data(, mode='rev', deriv=True, var_of_interest=voi) #print('post scatter', sub.pathname, voi, dpmat[voi].vec, dumat[voi].vec, drmat[voi].vec) if active: dumat[voi].vec *= -1.0 dumat[voi].vec += rhs_mat[voi] # we need to loop over all subsystems in order to make # the necessary collective calls to scatter, but only # active subsystems do anything else if not active: continue sub.solve_linear(sub.dumat, sub.drmat, vois, mode=mode) #for voi in vois: #print('post solve', dpmat[voi].vec, dumat[voi].vec, drmat[voi].vec) #print(, sorted(gs_outputs['rev'][][None])) # Groups and all other systems just call their own # apply_linear. sub._sys_apply_linear(mode, system._do_apply, vois=vois, gs_outputs=gs_outputs['rev'][]) #for voi in vois: #print('post apply', system.dpmat[voi].vec, dumat[voi].vec, drmat[voi].vec) for voi in vois: sol_buf[voi] = drmat[voi].vec self.iter_count += 1 if maxiter == 1: f_norm = 0.0 else: f_norm = self._norm(system, mode, rhs_mat) if self.options['iprint'] > 0: self.print_norm(self.print_name, system.pathname, self.iter_count, f_norm, f_norm0, indent=1, solver='LN') if self.options['iprint'] > 0: if maxiter > 1 and self.iter_count == maxiter: msg = 'FAILED to converge after max iterations' else: msg = 'converged' self.print_norm(self.print_name, system.pathname, self.iter_count, f_norm, f_norm0, indent=1, solver='LN', msg=msg) return sol_buf
def _norm(self, system, mode, rhs_mat): """ Computes the norm of the linear residual Args ---- system : `System` Parent `System` object. mode : string Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'. rhs_mat : dict of ndarray Dictionary containing one ndarry per top level quantity of interest. Each array contains the right-hand side for the linear solve. """ # we used to build gs_outputs up using dumat, but dumat is already # identical to gs_outputs in the vois we care about, so just use it. system._sys_apply_linear(mode, system._do_apply, vois=rhs_mat.keys(), gs_outputs=system.dumat) if mode == 'fwd': rhs_vec = system.drmat else: rhs_vec = system.dumat norm = 0.0 for voi, rhs in iteritems(rhs_mat): rhs_vec[voi].vec[:] -= rhs norm += rhs_vec[voi].norm()**2 return norm**0.5