Source code for openmdao.recorders.hdf5_recorder

""" Class definition for HDF5Recorder, which uses the HDF5 format."""

from numbers import Number

from six import iteritems

import numpy as np
from h5py import File

from openmdao.recorders.base_recorder import BaseRecorder
from openmdao.util.record_util import format_iteration_coordinate

[docs]class HDF5Recorder(BaseRecorder): """ A recorder that stores data using HDF5. This format naturally handles hierarchical data and is a standard for handling large datasets. Args ---- out : str String containing the filename for the HDF5 file. **driver_kwargs Additional keyword args to be passed to the HDF5 driver. Options ------- options['record_metadata'] : bool(True) Tells recorder whether to record variable attribute metadata. options['record_unknowns'] : bool(True) Tells recorder whether to record the unknowns vector. options['record_params'] : bool(False) Tells recorder whether to record the params vector. options['record_resids'] : bool(False) Tells recorder whether to record the ressiduals vector. options['includes'] : list of strings Patterns for variables to include in recording. options['excludes'] : list of strings Patterns for variables to exclude in recording (processed after includes). """ def __init__(self, out, **driver_kwargs): super(HDF5Recorder, self).__init__() self.out = File(out, 'w', **driver_kwargs)
[docs] def record_metadata(self, group): """Stores the metadata of the given group in a HDF5 file using the variable name for the key. Args ---- group : `System` `System` containing vectors """ params = group.params.iteritems() resids = group.resids.iteritems() unknowns = group.unknowns.iteritems() f = self.out group = f.require_group('metadata') pairings = ( (group.create_group("Parameters"), params), (group.create_group("Unknowns"), unknowns), ) for grp, data in pairings: for key, val in data: meta_group = grp.create_group(key) for mkey, mval in iteritems(val): meta_group.create_dataset(mkey, data=mval) #if isinstance(val, (np.ndarray, Number)): # grp.create_dataset(key, data=val) # # TODO: Compression/Checksum? #else: # # TODO: Handling non-numeric data # msg = "HDF5 Recorder does not support data of type '{0}'".format(type(val)) # raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs] def record_iteration(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata): """ Stores the provided data in the HDF5 file using the iteration coordinate for the Group name. Args ---- params : dict Dictionary containing parameters. (p) unknowns : dict Dictionary containing outputs and states. (u) resids : dict Dictionary containing residuals. (r) metadata : dict, optional Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate). """ iteration_coordinate = metadata['coord'] timestamp = metadata['timestamp'] params, unknowns, resids = self._filter_vectors(params, unknowns, resids, iteration_coordinate) group_name = format_iteration_coordinate(iteration_coordinate) f = self.out group = f.require_group(group_name) group.attrs['timestamp'] = timestamp pairings = [] if self.options['record_params']: p_group = group.create_group("Parameters") pairings.append((p_group, params)) if self.options['record_unknowns']: u_group = group.create_group("Unknowns") pairings.append((u_group, unknowns)) if self.options['record_resids']: r_group = group.create_group("Residuals") pairings.append((r_group, resids)) for grp, data in pairings: for key, val in iteritems(data): if isinstance(val, (np.ndarray, Number)): grp.create_dataset(key, data=val) # TODO: Compression/Checksum? else: # TODO: Handling non-numeric data msg = "HDF5 Recorder does not support data of type '{0}'".format(type(val)) raise NotImplementedError(msg)