
This tutorial is builds on the Optimization of the Paraboloid Tutorial by demonstrating how to save the data generated for future use. Consider the code below:

from openmdao.api import IndepVarComp, Component, Group, Problem, ScipyOptimizer, SqliteRecorder

class Paraboloid(Component):
    """ Evaluates the equation f(x,y) = (x-3)^2 + xy + (y+4)^2 - 3 """

    def __init__(self):
        super(Paraboloid, self).__init__()

        self.add_param('x', val=0.0)
        self.add_param('y', val=0.0)

        self.add_output('f_xy', val=0.0)

    def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """f(x,y) = (x-3)^2 + xy + (y+4)^2 - 3
        Optimal solution (minimum): x = 6.6667; y = -7.3333

        x = params['x']
        y = params['y']

        unknowns['f_xy'] = (x - 3.0) ** 2 + x * y + (y + 4.0) ** 2 - 3.0

    def linearize(self, params, unknowns, resids):
        """ Jacobian for our paraboloid."""

        x = params['x']
        y = params['y']
        J = {}

        J['f_xy', 'x'] = 2.0 * x - 6.0 + y
        J['f_xy', 'y'] = 2.0 * y + 8.0 + x
        return J

top = Problem()

root = top.root = Group()

root.add('p1', IndepVarComp('x', 3.0))
root.add('p2', IndepVarComp('y', -4.0))
root.add('p', Paraboloid())

root.connect('p1.x', 'p.x')
root.connect('p2.y', 'p.y')

top.driver = ScipyOptimizer()
top.driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'

top.driver.add_desvar('p1.x', lower=-50, upper=50)
top.driver.add_desvar('p2.y', lower=-50, upper=50)

recorder = SqliteRecorder('paraboloid')
recorder.options['record_params'] = True
recorder.options['record_metadata'] = True



print('Minimum of %f found at (%f, %f)' % (top['p.f_xy'], top['p.x'], top['p.y']))

These next four lines are all it takes to record the state of the problem as the optimizer progresses. Notice that because by default, recorders only record Unknowns, if we also want to record Parameters and metadata, we must set those recording options. (We could also record Resids by using the record_metadata option but this problem does not have residuals. )

recorder = SqliteRecorder('paraboloid')
recorder.options['record_params'] = True
recorder.options['record_metadata'] = True

We initialize a SqliteRecorder by passing it a filename argument. This recorder indirectly uses Python’s sqlite3 module to store the data generated. In this case, sqlite3 will open a database file named ‘paraboloid’ to use as a back-end. Actually, OpenMDAO’s SqliteRecorder makes use of the sqlitedict module because it has a simple, Pythonic dict-like interface to Python’s sqlite3 database.

We then add the recorder to the driver using driver.add_recorder. Depending on your needs, you are able to add more recorders by using additional driver.add_recorder calls. Solvers also have an add_recorder method that is invoked the same way. This allows you to record the evolution of variables at lower levels.

While it might not be an issue, it is good practice to close the recorder explicitly before the program terminates. For this tutorial with one recorder added to the driver, this is simply done with:


If your model has recorders added to both drivers and solvers, a way to make sure all recorders are closed is to use code like this:

for recorder in top.driver.recorders:

for sub in top.root.subgroups(recurse=True, include_self=True):
    for recorder in sub.nl_solver.recorders:
    for recorder in sub.ln_solver.recorders:

Includes and Excludes

Over the course of an analysis or optimization, the model may generate a very large amount of data. Since you may not be interested in the value of every variable at every step, OpenMDAO allows you to filter which variables are recorded through the use of includes and excludes. The recorder will store anything that matches the includes filter and that does not match the exclude filter. By default, the includes are set to [‘*’] and the excludes are set to [], i.e. include everything and exclude nothing.

The includes and excludes filters are set via the options structure in the recorder. If we were only interested in the variable x from our Paraboloid model, we could record that by setting the includes as follows:

recorder = SqliteRecorder('paraboloid')
recorder.options['includes'] = ['x']


Similarly, if we were interested in everything except the value of f_xy, we could exclude that by doing the following:

recorder = SqliteRecorder('paraboloid')
recorder.options['excludes'] = ['f_xy']


The includes and excludes filters will accept glob arguments. For example, recorder.options[‘excludes’] = [‘comp1.*’] would exclude any variable that starts with “comp1.”.

Accessing Recorded Data

While each recorder stores data slightly differently in order to match the file format, the common theme for accessing data is the iteration coordinate. The iteration coordinate describes where and when in the execution hierarchy the data was collected. Iteration coordinates are strings formatted as pairs of names and iteration numbers separated by ‘/’. For example, ‘SLSQP/1/root/2/G1/3’ would describe the third iteration of ‘G1’ during the second iteration of ‘root’ during the first iteration of ‘SLSQP’. Some solvers and drivers may have sub-steps that are recorded. In those cases, the iteration number may be of the form ‘1-3’, indicating the third sub-step of the first iteration.

Since our Paraboloid only has a recorder added to the driver, our ‘paraboloid’ sqlite file will contain keys of the form ‘SLSQP/1’, ‘SLSQP/2’, etc. To access the data from our run, we can use the following code:

import sqlitedict
from pprint import pprint

db = sqlitedict.SqliteDict( 'paraboloid', 'openmdao' )

There are two arguments to create an instance of SqliteDict. The first, ‘paraboloid’, is the name of the sqlite database file. The second, ‘openmdao’, is the name of the table in the sqlite database. For the SqliteRecorder in OpenMDAO, all the recording is done to the ‘openmdao’ table.

Now, we can access the data using an iteration coordinate.

data = db['SLSQP/1']

This data variable has four keys, ‘timestamp’, ‘Parameters’, ‘Unknowns’, and ‘Residuals’. ‘timestamp’ yields the time at which data was recorded:

p = data['timestamp']

The remaining keys will yield a dictionary containing variable names mapped to values. Generally, the variables of interest will be contained in the ‘Unknowns’ key since that will contain the objective function values and the values controlled by the optimizer. For example,

u = data['Unknowns']

will print out the dictionary:

{'f_xy': -15.0, 'x': 3.0, 'y': -4.0}

You can also access the values for the Parameters:

p = data['Parameters']

Which will print out the dictionary:

{'p.x': 3.0, 'p.y': -4.0}

Finally, since our code told the recorder to record metadata, we can read that from the file as well. Notice that since metadata is only recorded once, it is a top level element of the dictionary, rather than a sub-dictionary of an interation coordinate. It contains sub-dictionaries for metadata about Unknowns, Parameters, Resids.

data = db['metadata']
u_meta = data['Unknowns']
p_meta = data['Parameters']

This code prints out the following:

{'p.f_xy': {'is_objective': True,
            'pathname': 'p.f_xy',
            'shape': 1,
            'size': 1,
            'top_promoted_name': 'p.f_xy',
            'val': 0.0},
 'p1.x': {'is_desvar': True,
          'pathname': 'p1.x',
          'shape': 1,
          'size': 1,
          'top_promoted_name': 'p1.x',
          'val': 3.0},
 'p2.y': {'is_desvar': True,
          'pathname': 'p2.y',
          'shape': 1,
          'size': 1,
          'top_promoted_name': 'p2.y',
          'val': -4.0}}
{'p.x': {'pathname': 'p.x',
         'shape': 1,
         'size': 1,
         'top_promoted_name': 'p.x',
         'val': 0.0},
 'p.y': {'pathname': 'p.y',
         'shape': 1,
         'size': 1,
         'top_promoted_name': 'p.y',
         'val': 0.0}}