File Wrapping Tutorial ====================== For many legacy codes, the only viable way to include them in an MDAO process is through file wrapping. In a file-wrapped component, the inputs are passed and the outputs are extracted via input and output files. To facilitate this process, OpenMDAO includes several utilities that will be described in this section. The execution of a file-wrapped component consists of the following three phases: - Generating an input file that contains OpenMDAO param values - Executing the external code - Parsing the output file and extracting values to place into OpenMDAO unkonwns A file-wrapped component must perform all three of these tasks in its ``solve_nonlinear`` method. Presently, to create a file-wrapped component you must write some Python code, so you need a basic knowledge of Python to proceed. .. _`A-Note-on-Precision`: A Note on Precision --------------------- In a file-wrapped component, all key inputs for the external code come from an intermediate file that must be written. When generating the input file, it is important to prevent the loss of precision. Consider a variable with 15 digits of precision. :: >>> # Python 3 compatibility >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> val = 3.1415926535897932 >>> >>> val 3.141592653589793... >>> >>> print(val) 3.14159265359 >>> >>> print("%s" % str(val)) 3.14159265359 >>> >>> print("%f" % val) 3.141593 >>> >>> print("%.16f" % val) 3.141592653589793... If the variable's value in the input file is created using the ``print`` statement, only 11 digits of precision are in the generated output. The same is true if you convert the value to a string and use string output formatting. Printing the variable as a floating point number with no format string gives even less precision. To output the full precision of a variable, you must specify decimal precision using formatted output (i.e., ``"%.16f"``). Quibbling over the 11th--15th decimal place may sound unnecessary, but some applications are sensitive to changes of this magnitude. Moreover, it is important to consider how your component may be used during optimization. A gradient optimizer will often use a finite-difference scheme to calculate the gradients for a model, and this means that some component params might be subjected to small increments and decrements. A loss of precision here can completely change the calculated gradient and prevent the optimizer from reaching a correct minimum value. The file-wrapping utilities in OpenMDAO use ``"%.16g"``. If you write your own custom input-file generator for a new component, you should use this format for the floating point variables. Precision is also important when parsing the output, although the file-parsing utilities always grab the entire number. However, some codes limit the number of digits of precision in their output files for human readability. In such a case, you should check your external application's manual to see if there is a flag for telling the code to output the full precision. .. _`Running-the-External-Code`: Running the External Code ------------------------- The ExternalCode component takes care of the mundane tasks associated with executing the external application. These include: - Making the system call using the Subprocess module - Redirecting `stdin, stdout,` and `stderr` to the user's specification - Capturing error codes - Defining environment variables - Handling timeout and polling - Running the code on a remote server if required So we recommend that you always derive your file-wrapped component from the ExternalCode base class. This is explained in detail in its own tutorial. Generating the Input File - Templated File I/O ---------------------------------------------- You can generate an input file for an external application two different ways. The first way is to write the file completely from scratch using the new values that are contained in the component's variables. Not much can be done to aid with this task, as it requires knowledge of the file format and can be completed using Python's standard formatted output. One exception to this is the Fortran namelist, which is more of a standard output format. The next section mentions some tools to help create namelist input files. The second way to generate an input file is by templating. A *template* file is a sample input file which can be processed by a templating engine to insert new values in the appropriate locations. Often the template file is a valid input file before being processed, although other times it contains directives or conditional logic to guide the generation. Obviously this method works well for cases where only a small number of the possible variables and settings are being manipulated by outside components. OpenMDAO includes a basic templating capability that allows a template file to be read, fields to be replaced with new values, and an input file to be generated so that the external application can read it. Suppose you have an input file that contains some integer, floating point, and string inputs: :: INPUT 1 2 3 INPUT 10.1 20.2 30.3 A B C This is a valid input file for your application, and it can also be used as a template file. The templating object is called `InputFileGenerator`, and it includes methods that can replace specific fields as measured by their row and field numbers. To use the InputFileGenerator object, first instantiate it and give it the name of the template file and the name of the output file that you want to produce. (Note that this code must be placed in the ``execute`` method of your component *before* the external code is run. See :ref:`Running-the-External-Code`.) The code will generally look like this: :: from openmdao.util.file_wrap import InputFileGenerator parser = InputFileGenerator() parser.set_template_file('mytemplate.txt') parser.set_generated_file('myinput.txt') # (Call functions to poke new values here) parser.generate() When the template file is set, it is read into memory so that all subsequent replacements are done without writing the intermediate file to the disk. Once all replacements have been made, the ``generate`` method is called to create the input file. .. testcode:: Parse_Input :hide: from openmdao.util.file_wrap import InputFileGenerator parser = InputFileGenerator() from openmdao.api import Component self = Component() # A way to "cheat" and do this without a file. = []"INPUT")"1 2 3")"INPUT")"10.1 20.2 30.3")"A B C") Let's say you want to grab and replace the second integer with a 7. The code would look like this. .. testcode:: Parse_Input parser.mark_anchor("INPUT") parser.transfer_var(7, 1, 2) .. testcode:: Parse_Input :hide: from __future__ import print_function for datum in print(datum) .. testoutput:: Parse_Input INPUT 1 7 3 INPUT 10.1 20.2 30.3 A B C .. index:: mark_anchor The method ``mark_anchor`` is used to define an anchor, which becomes the starting point for the ``transfer_var`` method. Here you find the second field in the first line down from the anchor and replace it with the new value. Now, what if you want to replace the third value of the floating point numbers after the second ``INPUT`` statement. An additional argument can be passed to the ``mark_anchor`` method to tell it to start at the second instance of the text fragment ``"INPUT"``. .. testcode:: Parse_Input parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("INPUT", 2) my_var = 3.1415926535897932 parser.transfer_var(my_var, 1, 3) .. testcode:: Parse_Input :hide: from __future__ import print_function for datum in print(datum) .. testoutput:: Parse_Input INPUT 1 7 3 INPUT 10.1 20.2 3.141592653589793 A B C Note that you are able to pass a floating point value to ``transfer_var`` and still keep 15 digits of precision. See :ref:`A-Note-on-Precision` for a discussion of why this is important. Note also that we used the method ``reset_anchor`` to return the anchor to the beginning of the file before marking our new anchor. Subsequent calls to ``mark_anchor`` start at the previous anchor and find the next instance of the anchor text. It is a good practice to reset your anchor unless you are looking for an instance of "B" that follows an instance of "A". You can also count backwards from the bottom of the file by passing a negative number. Here, the second instance of ``"INPUT"`` from the bottom brings you back to the first one. .. testcode:: Parse_Input parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("INPUT", -2) parser.transfer_var("99999", 1, 1) .. testcode:: Parse_Input :hide: from __future__ import print_function for datum in print(datum) .. testoutput:: Parse_Input INPUT 99999 7 3 INPUT 10.1 20.2 3.141592653589793 A B C There is also a method for replacing an entire array of values. Try replacing the set of three integers as follows: .. testcode:: Parse_Input from numpy import array array_val = array([123, 456, 789]) parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("INPUT") parser.transfer_array(array_val, 1, 1, 3) .. testcode:: Parse_Input :hide: from __future__ import print_function for datum in print(datum.rstrip()) .. testoutput:: Parse_Input INPUT 123 456 789 INPUT 10.1 20.2 3.141592653589793 A B C .. index:: transfer_array The method ``transfer_array`` takes four required inputs. The first is an array of values that will become the new values in the file. The second is the starting row after the anchor. The third is the starting field that will be replaced, and the fourth is the ending field. The new array replaces the block of fields spanned by the starting field and the ending field. You can also use the ``transfer_array`` method to `stretch` an existing array in a template to add more terms. .. testcode:: Parse_Input from numpy import array array_val = array([11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]) parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("INPUT") parser.transfer_array(array_val, 1, 1, 3, sep=' ') .. testcode:: Parse_Input :hide: from __future__ import print_function for datum in print(datum.rstrip()) .. testoutput:: Parse_Input INPUT 11 22 33 44 55 66 INPUT 10.1 20.2 3.141592653589793 A B C The named argument ``sep`` defines which separator to include between the additional terms of the array. Future revisions of InputFileGenerator will hopefully be able to detect this automatically. The input file templating capability that comes with OpenMDAO is basic but quite functional. If you need a more powerful templating engine, particularly one that allows the inclusion of logic in your template files, then you may want to consider one of the community-developed engines, such as mako_ or django_. .. _mako: .. _django: .. todo:: Include some examples with one of the templating engines. .. index:: Fortran namelists Generating the Input File - Fortran Namelists --------------------------------------------- Since legacy Fortran codes are expected to be frequent candidates for file wrapping, OpenMDAO includes a library for reading and generating Fortran namelist. The syntax for a namelist varies somewhat depending on the Fortran implementation, but the format generally looks like this: :: NAMEIn ! Comment string &GROUP1 XREAL = 1.0e33, XINT = 2, XCHAR = 'namelist', XBOOL = T/ &GROUP2 AREAL = 1. 1. 2. 3., AINT = 2 2 3 4, ACHAR = 'aaa' 'bbb' 'ccc' ' ddd', ABOOL = T T F F/ The namelist utility includes methods to generate a valid namelist file from a component's set of input variables. Other methods can parse a namelist file and load the variable data back into an OpenMDAO component's variables (which can be useful for populating a component with new values). For example, consider a component whose parmeters include five variables of various types. A component that writes out an input file as a single namelist called `MAIN` would look like this: .. testcode:: Namelist from numpy import array from openmdao.api import ExternalCode from openmdao.util.namelist_util import Namelist class WrappedComp(ExternalCode): """A simple file wrapper.""" def __init__(self): super(VarComponent, self).__init__() self.add_param('xreal', 35.6, desc='A floating point input') self.add_param('xint', 88, pass_by_obj=True, desc='An integer input') self.add_param('xchar', "Hello", pass_by_obj=True, desc='A string input') self.add_param('xbool', True, pass_by_obj=True, desc='A boolean input') self.add_param('areal', array([1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), pass_by_obj=True, desc='An array input') def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids): """ Executes our file-wrapped component. """ self.stdin = "FileWrapTemplate.txt" sb = Namelist(self) sb.set_filename(self.stdin) # Add a Title Card sb.set_title("My Title") # Add a group. Subsequent variables are in this group sb.add_group('main') # Toss in a comment sb.add_comment(' ! Comment goes here') # Add all the variables sb.add_var("xreal") sb.add_var("xint") sb.add_var("xchar") sb.add_var("xbool") sb.add_var("areal") # Add an internal variable sb.add_newvar("Py", 3.14) # Generate the input file sb.generate() Note that this component is derived from ``ExternalCode`` and uses a few of its features, so it is important to read :ref:`Running-the-External-Code` before proceeding. In the ``solve_nonlinear`` method, a Namelist object is instantiated. This object allows you to sequentially build up a namelist input file. The only argument is `self`, which is passed because the Namelist object needs to access your component's OpenMDAO param vectors to access the data. The ``set_filename`` method is used to set the name of the input file that will be written. Here, you just pass it the variable ``self.stdin``, which is part of the ExternalCode API. The first card you create for the ``Namelist`` is the title card, which is optionally assigned with the ``set_title`` method. After this, the first namelist group is declared with the ``add_group`` method. Subsequent variables are added to this namelist grouping. If ``add_group`` is called again, the current group is closed, and any further variables are added to the new one. The ``add_var`` method is used to add a variable to the ``Namelist``. The only needed argument is the variable's name in the component. The variable's type is used to determine what kind of namelist variable to output. If you need to add something to the namelist that isn't contained in one of the component's variables, then use the ``add_newvar`` method, giving it a name and a value as arguments. This method is what you will use if your variable has a different name in your component than in the namelist file (i.e., you may have decided to use a more descriptive name in Openmdao instead of the original cryptic 6-character Fortran name.) Another method, ``add_comment``, lets you add a comment to the namelist. Of course, this isn't an essential function, but there are times you may want to add comments to enhance readability. The comment text should include the comment character. Note that the namelist format doesn't require a comment character, but it's still a good practice. Finally, once every variable, group, and comment have been assigned, use the ``generate`` method to create the input file. If a variable was entered incorrectly, or if you have given it a variable type that it doesn't know how to handle (e.g., an Instance or a custom variable), an exception will be raised. Otherwise, the input file is created, and your ``execute`` method can move on to running your code. *Parsing a Namelist File* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Namelist object also includes some functions for parsing a namelist file and loading the variable values into a component's unknowns. Doing this can be useful for loading in models that were developed when your code was executed standalone. Parsing the Output File ----------------------- When an external code is executed, it typically outputs the results into a file. OpenMDAO includes a few things to ease the task of extracting the important information from a file. *Basic Extraction* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider an application that produces the following as part of its text-file output: :: LOAD CASE 1 STRESS 1.3334e7 3.9342e7 NaN 2.654e5 DISPLACEMENT 2.1 4.6 3.1 2.22234 LOAD CASE 2 STRESS 11 22 33 44 55 66 DISPLACEMENT 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 As part of the file wrap, you need to reach into this file and grab the information that is needed by downstream components in the model. OpenMDAO includes an object called `FileParser`, which contains functions for parsing a file, grabbing the fields you specify, and applying them to the appropriate data type. For this to work, the file must have some general format that would allow you to locate the piece of data you need relative to some constant feature in the file. In other words, the main capability of the FileParser is to locate and extract a set of characters that is some number of lines and some number of fields away from an `anchor` point. :: from openmdao.util.file_wrap import FileParser parser = FileParser() parser.set_file('myoutput.txt') To use the FileParser object, first instantiate it and give it the name of the output file. (Note that this code must be placed in your component's ``execute`` function *after* the external code has been run. See :ref:`Running-the-External-Code`.) .. testcode:: Parse_Output :hide: from __future__ import print_function from openmdao.util.file_wrap import FileParser parser = FileParser() from openmdao.api import Component self = Component() # A way to "cheat" and do this without a file. = []"LOAD CASE 1")"STRESS 1.3334e7 3.9342e7 NaN 2.654e5")"DISPLACEMENT 2.1 4.6 3.1 2.22234")"LOAD CASE 2")"STRESS 11 22 33 44 55 66")"DISPLACEMENT 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0") Say you want to grab the first ``STRESS`` value from each load case in the file snippet shown above. The code would look like this. (Note: in this example the print statement is there only for display.) .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE") var = parser.transfer_var(1, 2) print("%g is a %s" % (var, type(var))) self.xreal = var .. testoutput:: Parse_Output 1.3334e+07 is a <... 'float'> The method ``mark_anchor`` is used to define an anchor, which becomes the starting point for the ``transfer_var`` method. Here, you grab the value from the second field in the first line down from the anchor. The parser is smart enough to recognize the number as floating point and to create a Python float variable. The final statement assigns this value to the component variable `xreal`. The third value of ``STRESS`` is `NaN`. If you want to grab that element, you can type this: :: parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE") var = parser.transfer_var(1, 4) print("%g" % var) :: nan Python also has built-in values for `nan` and `inf` that are valid for float variables. The parser recognizes them when it encounters them in a file. This allows you to catch numerical overflows, underflows, etc., and take action. NumPy includes the functions ``isnan`` and ``isinf`` to test for `nan` and `inf` respectively. :: from numpy import isnan, isinf print(isnan(var)) :: True When the data is not a number, it is recognized as a string. Grab the word ``DISPLACEMENT``. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE") var = parser.transfer_var(2, 1) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output DISPLACEMENT Now, what if you want to grab the value of stress from the second load case? An additional argument can be passed to the ``mark_anchor`` method telling it to start at the second instance of the text fragment ``"LOAD CASE"``. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE", 2) var = parser.transfer_var(1, 2) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output 11 Note also that we used the method ``reset_anchor`` to return the anchor to the beginning of the file before marking our new anchor. Subsequent calls to ``mark_anchor`` start at the previous anchor and find the next instance of the anchor text. It is a good practice to reset your anchor unless you are looking for an instance of "B" that follows an instance of "A". You can also count backwards from the bottom of the file by passing a negative number. Here, the second instance of ``"LOAD CASE"`` from the bottom brings us back to the first one. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE", -2) var = parser.transfer_var(1, 2) print("%g" % var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output 1.3334e+07 There is a shortcut for extracting data that is stored as ``Key Value`` or ``"Key Value Value....``. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE 1") var = parser.transfer_keyvar("DISPLACEMENT", 1) print("%g" % var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output 2.1 The method ``transfer_keyvar`` finds the first occurrence of the *key* string after the anchor (in this case, the word ``DISPLACEMENT``), and grabs the specified field value. This can be useful in cases where variables are found on lines that are uniquely named, particularly where you don't always know how many lines the key will occur past the anchor location. There are two optional arguments to ``transfer_keyvar``. The first lets you specify the `nth` occurrence of the key, and the second lets you specify a number of lines to offset from the line where the key is found (negative numbers are allowed). *Array Extraction* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now consider the same application that produces the following as part of its text-file output: :: LOAD CASE 1 STRESS 1.3334e7 3.9342e7 NaN 2.654e5 DISPLACEMENT 2.1 4.6 3.1 2.22234 LOAD CASE 2 STRESS 11 22 33 44 55 66 DISPLACEMENT 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 This time, grab all of the displacements in one read and store them as an array. You can do this with the ``transfer_array`` method. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE") var = parser.transfer_array(2, 2, 2, 5) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output [ 2.1 4.6 3.1 2.22234] The ``transfer_array`` method takes four arguments: *starting row, starting field, ending row,* and *ending field.* The parser extracts all values from the starting row and field and continues until it hits the ending field in the ending row. These values are all placed in a 1D array. When extracting multiple lines, if a line break is hit, the parser continues reading from the next line until the last line is hit. The following extraction illustrates this: .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("LOAD CASE") var = parser.transfer_array(1, 3, 2, 4) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output ['39342000.0' 'nan' '265400.0' 'DISPLACEMENT' '2.1' '4.6' '3.1'] With the inclusion of ``'DISPLACEMENT'``, this is returned as an array of strings, so you must be careful. There is also a method to extract a 2-dimensional array from tabulated data. Consider an output table that looks like this: .. testcode:: Parse_Output2D :hide: from openmdao.util.file_wrap import FileParser parser = FileParser() from openmdao.api import Component self = Component() # A way to "cheat" and do this without a file. = []'FREQ DELTA -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5 -8.5')' Hz')' 50. 1.0 30.0 34.8 36.3 36.1 34.6 32.0 28.4 23.9 18.5 12.2')' 63. 1.0 36.5 41.3 42.8 42.6 41.1 38.5 34.9 30.4 25.0 18.7')' 80. 1.0 42.8 47.6 49.1 48.9 47.4 44.8 41.2 36.7 31.3 25.0')'100. 1.0 48.4 53.1 54.7 54.5 53.0 50.4 46.8 42.3 36.9 30.6') :: FREQ DELTA A B C D E F G H I J Hz 50. 1.0 30.0 34.8 36.3 36.1 34.6 32.0 28.4 23.9 18.5 12.2 63. 1.0 36.5 41.3 42.8 42.6 41.1 38.5 34.9 30.4 25.0 18.7 80. 1.0 42.8 47.6 49.1 48.9 47.4 44.8 41.2 36.7 31.3 25.0 100. 1.0 48.4 53.1 54.7 54.5 53.0 50.4 46.8 42.3 36.9 30.6 We would like to extract the relevant numerical data from this table, which amounts to all values contained in columns labeled "A" through "J" and rows labeled "50 Hz" through "100 Hz." We would like to save these values in a two-dimensional numpy array. This can be accomplished using the ``transfer_2Darray`` method. .. testcode:: Parse_Output2D parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("Hz") var = parser.transfer_2Darray(1, 3, 4, 12) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output2D [[ 30. 34.8 36.3 36.1 34.6 32. 28.4 23.9 18.5 12.2] [ 36.5 41.3 42.8 42.6 41.1 38.5 34.9 30.4 25. 18.7] [ 42.8 47.6 49.1 48.9 47.4 44.8 41.2 36.7 31.3 25. ] [ 48.4 53.1 54.7 54.5 53. 50.4 46.8 42.3 36.9 30.6]] The arguments to ``transfer_2Darray`` are the starting row number, the starting field number, the ending row number, and the ending field number. If the end field is omitted, then all values to the end of the line are extracted. In that case, care must be taken to make sure that all lines have the same number of values. Note that if the delimiter is set to ``'columns'``, then the column number should be entered instead of the field number. Delimiters are discussed in the next section. .. index:: delimiters *Delimiters* ~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the parser counts fields in a line of output, it determines the field boundaries by comparing against a set of delimiters. These delimiters can be changed using the ``set_delimiters`` method. By default, the delimiters are the general white space characters space (``" "``) and tab (``"\\t"``). The newline characters (``"\\n"`` and ``"\\r"``) are always removed regardless of the delimiter status. One common case that will require a change in the default delimiter is the comma separated file (i.e, csv). Here's an example of such an output file: :: CASE 1 3,7,2,4,5,6 .. testcode:: Parse_Output :hide: = []"CASE 1")"3,7,2,4,5,6") parser.reset_anchor() Try grabbing the first element without changing the delimiters: .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.mark_anchor("CASE") var = parser.transfer_var(1, 2) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output ,7,2,4,5,6 What happened here is slightly confusing, but the main point is that the parser did not handle this as expected because commas were not in the set of delimiters. Now specify commas as your delimiter. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("CASE") parser.set_delimiters(", ") var = parser.transfer_var(1, 2) print(var) .. testoutput:: Parse_Output 7 With the correct delimiter set, you extract the second integer as expected. While the ability to set the delimiters adds flexibility for parsing many different types of input files, you may find cases that are too complex to parse (e.g., a field with separator characters inside of quotes.) In such cases you may need to read and extract the data manually. *Special Case Delimiter - Columns* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One special-case value of the delimiter, ``'columns'``, is useful when the data fields have defined column location, as is the case in certain formatted output from Fortran or C. When the delimiter is set to ``'columns'``, the behavior of some of the methods is slightly different. Consider the following output file: :: CASE 1 12345678901234567890 TTF 3.7-9.4434967 .. testcode:: Parse_Output :hide: = []"CASE 1")"12345678901234567890")"TTF 3.7-9.4434967") parser.reset_anchor() The second line is a comment that helps the reader identify the column number (particularly on a printout) and does not need to be parsed. In the third line, the first three columns contain flags that are either ``'T'`` or ``'F'``. Columns 4-10 contain a floating point number, and columns 11 through 20 contain another floating point number. Note that there isn't always a space between the two numbers in this format, particularly when the second number has a negative sign. We can't parse this with a regular separator, but we can use the special separator ``'columns'``. Let's parse this file to extract the third boolean flag and the two numbers. .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("CASE") parser.set_delimiters("columns") var1 = parser.transfer_var(2, 3, 3) var2 = parser.transfer_var(2, 4, 10) var3 = parser.transfer_var(2, 11, 20) print(var1) print(var2) print(var3) When the delimiters are in column mode, ``transfer_var`` takes the starting field and the ending field as its second and third arguments. Since we just want one column for the boolean flag, the starting field and ending field are the same. This gives us the output: .. testoutput:: Parse_Output F 3.7 -9.4434967 which is what we wanted to extract. The ``transfer_array`` method can also be used with columns, but it is used differently than ``transfer_var``. Consider this output file: :: CASE 2 123456789012345678901234567890 NODE 11 22 33 COMMENT NODE 44 55 66 STUFF .. testcode:: Parse_Output :hide: = []"CASE 2")"12345678901234567890")"NODE 11 22 33 COMMENT")"NODE 44 55 66 STUFF") parser.reset_anchor() In this example, we want to extract the six numerical values and place them in an array. When the delimiter is set to columns, we can define a rectangular box from which all elements are parsed into an array. Note that the numbers inside of the box are parsed assuming standard separator characters (``" \t"``). .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.reset_anchor() parser.mark_anchor("CASE 2") parser.set_delimiters("columns") var = parser.transfer_array(2, 6, 3, 13) print(var) So here we've called ``transfer_array`` with four arguments: `starting row, starting column, ending row, ending column`. This results in the following value for var: .. testoutput:: Parse_Output [ 11. 22. 33. 44. 55. 66.] You can always exit column mode and return to normal delimiter parsing by setting the delimiters back to the default: .. testcode:: Parse_Output parser.set_delimiters(" \t")