Source code for openmdao.core.vec_wrapper

""" Class definition for VecWrapper"""

import sys
import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
from six import iteritems, itervalues, iterkeys
from six.moves import cStringIO

from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from openmdao.util.type_util import is_differentiable
from openmdao.util.string_util import get_common_ancestor

class _ByObjWrapper(object):
    We have to wrap byobj values in these in order to have param vec entries
    that are shared between parents and children all share the same object
    reference, so that when the internal val attribute is changed, all
    `VecWrapper`s that contain a reference to the wrapper will see the updated
    __slots__ = ['val']
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.val)

# using a slotted object here to save memory
[docs]class Accessor(object): __slots__ = ['val', 'slice', 'meta', 'owned', 'get', 'set', 'flat'] def __init__(self, vecwrapper, slice, val, meta, owned=True): self.owned = owned if meta.get('pass_by_obj') and not isinstance(val, _ByObjWrapper): self.val = _ByObjWrapper(val) else: self.val = val if meta.get('pass_by_obj') or meta.get('remote'): self.slice = None else: self.slice = slice self.meta = meta self.get, self.flat = self._setup_get_funct(vecwrapper, meta) self.set = self._setup_set_funct(meta) def _setup_get_funct(self, vecwrapper, meta): """ Returns a tuple of efficient closures (nonflat and flat) to access the value contained in the metadata. """ val = meta['val'] flatfunc = None if meta.get('remote'): return self._remote_access_error, self._remote_access_error if meta.get('pass_by_obj'): return self._get_pbo, flatfunc shape = meta['shape'] scale, offset = meta.get('unit_conv', (None, None)) if vecwrapper.deriv_units: offset = 0.0 is_scalar = shape == 1 if is_scalar: shapes_same = True else: shapes_same = (shape == val.size or shape == (val.size,)) # No unit conversion. # dparams vector does no unit conversion. if scale is None or vecwrapper.deriv_units is True: flatfunc = self._get_arr if is_scalar: func = self._get_scalar elif shapes_same: func = flatfunc else: func = self._get_arr_diff_shape # We have a unit conversion else: flatfunc = self._get_arr_units if is_scalar: func = self._get_scalar_units elif shapes_same: func = flatfunc else: func = self._get_arr_units_diff_shape return func, flatfunc def _setup_set_funct(self, meta): """ Sets up our fast set functions.""" if meta.get('remote'): return self._remote_access_error elif 'pass_by_obj' in meta and meta['pass_by_obj']: return self._set_pbo else: if meta['shape'] == 1: return self._set_scalar else: return self._set_arr # accessor functions def _get_pbo(self): """pass by obj""" return self.val.val def _get_arr(self): """Array with same shape""" return self.val def _get_arr_diff_shape(self): """Array with different shape""" return self.val.reshape(self.meta['shape']) def _get_scalar(self): return self.val[0] def _get_arr_units(self): """Array with same shape and unit conversion""" scale, offset = self.meta['unit_conv'] vec = self.val + offset vec *= scale return vec def _get_arr_units_diff_shape(self): """Array with diff shape and unit conversion""" scale, offset = self.meta['unit_conv'] vec = self.val + offset vec *= scale return vec.reshape(self.meta['shape']) def _get_scalar_units(self): """Scalar with unit conversion""" scale, offset = self.meta['unit_conv'] return scale*(self.val[0] + offset) def _set_arr(self, value): self.val[:] = value.flat def _set_scalar(self, value): self.val[0] = value def _set_pbo(self, value): self.val.val = value def _remote_access_error(self, value=None): msg = "Cannot access remote Variable '{name}' in this process." raise RuntimeError(msg.format(name=self.meta['pathname']))
[docs]class VecWrapper(object): """ A dict-like container of a collection of variables. Args ---- pathname : str, optional the pathname of the containing `System` comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake) a communicator that can be used for distributed operations when running under MPI. If not running under MPI, it is ignored Attributes ---------- idx_arr_type : dtype, optional A dtype indicating how index arrays are to be represented. The value 'i' indicates an numpy integer array, other implementations, e.g., petsc, will define this differently. """ idx_arr_type = 'i' def __init__(self, sysdata, comm=None): self.comm = comm self.vec = None self._dat = OrderedDict() self._has_pbos = False # Automatic unit conversion in target vectors self.deriv_units = False self._sysdata = sysdata def _flat(self, name): """ Return a flat version of the named variable, including any necessary conversions. """ return self._dat[name].flat()
[docs] def metadata(self, name): """ Returns the metadata for the named variable. Args ---- name : str Name of variable to get the metadata for. Returns ------- dict The metadata dict for the named variable. Raises ------- KeyError If the named variable is not in this vector. """ try: return self._dat[name].meta except KeyError as error: msg = "Variable '{name}' does not exist".format(name=name) raise KeyError(msg)
def __getitem__(self, name): """ Retrieve unflattened value of named var. Args ---- name : str Name of variable to get the value for. Returns ------- The unflattened value of the named variable. """ return self._dat[name].get() def __setitem__(self, name, value): """ Set the value of the named variable. Args ---- name : str Name of variable to get the value for. value : The unflattened value of the named variable. """ self._dat[name].set(value) def __len__(self): """ Returns ------- The number of keys (variables) in this vector. """ return len(self._dat) def __contains__(self, key): """ Returns ------- A boolean indicating if the given key (variable name) is in this vector. """ return key in self._dat def __iter__(self): """ Returns ------- A dictionary iterator over the items in _dat. """ return self._dat.__iter__()
[docs] def veciter(self): """ Returns ------- An iterator over names and values of all variables found in the flattened vector, i.e., no pass_by_obj variables. """ if self._has_pbos: return ((n, acc.val) for n, acc in iteritems(self._dat) if not acc.meta.get('pass_by_obj')) else: return ((n, acc.val) for n, acc in iteritems(self._dat))
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns ------- list or KeyView (python 3) the keys (variable names) in this vector. """ return self._dat.keys()
[docs] def iterkeys(self): """ Returns ------- iter of str the keys (variable names) in this vector. """ return iterkeys(self._dat)
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns ------- list of (str, dict) List of tuples containing the name and metadata dict for each variable. """ return [(name, acc.meta) for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat)]
[docs] def iteritems(self): """ Returns ------- iterator Iterator returning the name and metadata dict for each variable. """ return ((name, acc.meta) for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat))
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns ------- list of dict List containing metadata dict for each variable. """ return [acc.meta for acc in itervalues(self._dat)]
[docs] def itervalues(self): """ Returns ------- iter of dict Iterator yielding metadata dict for each variable. """ return (acc.meta for acc in itervalues(self._dat))
def _get_local_idxs(self, name, idx_dict, get_slice=False): """ Returns all of the indices for the named variable in this vector. Args ---- name : str Name of variable to get the indices for. get_slice : bool, optional If True, return the idxs as a slice object, if possible. Returns ------- size The size of the named variable. ndarray Index array containing all local indices for the named variable. """ try: slc = self._dat[name].slice if slc is None: return self.make_idx_array(0, 0) except KeyError: # this happens if 'name' doesn't exist in this process return self.make_idx_array(0, 0) start, end = slc if name in idx_dict: #TODO: possible slice conversion idxs = self.to_idx_array(idx_dict[name]) + start if idxs.size > (end-start) or max(idxs) >= end: raise RuntimeError("Indices of interest specified for '%s'" "are too large" % name) return idxs else: if get_slice: return slice(start, end) return self.make_idx_array(start, end)
[docs] def norm(self): """ Calculates the norm of this vector. Returns ------- float Norm of our internal vector. """ return norm(self.vec)
[docs] def get_view(self, system, comm, varmap): """ Return a new `VecWrapper` that is a view into this one. Args ---- system : `System` System for which the view is being created. comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake) A communicator that is used in the creation of the view. varmap : dict Mapping of variable names in the old `VecWrapper` to the names they will have in the new `VecWrapper`. Returns ------- `VecWrapper` A new `VecWrapper` that is a view into this one. """ view = self.__class__(system._sysdata, comm) view_size = 0 start = -1 # varmap is ordered, in the same order as _dat for name, pname in iteritems(varmap): if name in self._dat: meta = self._dat[name].meta pbo = meta.get('pass_by_obj') if pbo or meta.get('remote'): view._dat[pname] = Accessor(view, None, self._dat[name].val, meta) if pbo: view._has_pbos = True else: pstart, pend = self._dat[name].slice if start == -1: start = pstart end = pend else: assert pstart == end, \ "%s not contiguous in block containing %s" % \ (name, varmap.keys()) end = pend view._dat[pname] = Accessor(view, (view_size, view_size + meta['size']), self._dat[name].val, meta) view_size += meta['size'] if start == -1: # no items found view.vec = self.vec[0:0] else: view.vec = self.vec[start:end] return view
[docs] def make_idx_array(self, start, end): """ Return an index vector of the right int type for the current implementation. Args ---- start : int The starting index. end : int The ending index. Returns ------- ndarray of idx_arr_type index array containing all indices from start up to but not including end """ return numpy.arange(start, end, dtype=self.idx_arr_type)
[docs] def to_idx_array(self, indices): """ Given some iterator of indices, return an index array of the right int type for the current implementation. Args ---- indices : iterator of ints An iterator of indices. Returns ------- ndarray of idx_arr_type Index array containing all of the given indices. """ return numpy.array(indices, dtype=self.idx_arr_type)
[docs] def merge_idxs(self, idxs): """ Return source and target index arrays, built up from smaller index arrays. Args ---- idxs : array Indices. Returns ------- ndarray of idx_arr_type Index array containing all of the merged indices. """ if len(idxs) == 0: return self.make_idx_array(0, 0) return numpy.concatenate(idxs)
[docs] def get_states(self): """ Returns ------- list A list of names of state variables. """ return [n for n, meta in iteritems(self) if meta.get('state')]
def _get_vecvars(self): """ Returns ------- A list of names of variables found in our 'vec' array. This includes params that are not 'owned' and remote vars, which have size 0 array values. """ return ((n, meta) for n, meta in self.iteritems() if not meta.get('pass_by_obj')) def _scoped_abs_name(self, name): """ Args ---- name : str The absolute pathname of a variable. Returns ------- str The given name as seen from the 'scope' of the `System` that contains this `VecWrapper`. """ if self._sysdata.pathname: return name[len(self._sysdata.pathname)+1:] else: return name
[docs] def dump(self, out_stream=sys.stdout): # pragma: no cover """ Args ---- out_stream : file_like Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to None to return a str. """ if out_stream is None: out_stream = cStringIO() return_str = True else: return_str = False lens = [len(n) for n in self.keys()] nwid = max(lens) if lens else 10 vlens = [len(repr(self[v])) for v in self.keys()] vwid = max(vlens) if vlens else 1 if self._has_pbos: # we have some pass by obj defwid = 8 else: defwid = 1 slens = [len('[{0[0]}:{0[1]}]'.format(self._dat[v].slice)) for v in self.keys() if self._dat[v].slice is not None]+[defwid] swid = max(slens) for v, meta in iteritems(self): if meta.get('pass_by_obj') or meta.get('remote'): continue if self._dat[v].slice is not None: uslice = '[{0[0]}:{0[1]}]'.format(self._dat[v].slice) else: uslice = '' template = "{0:<{nwid}} {1:<{swid}} {2:>{vwid}}\n" out_stream.write(template.format(v, uslice, repr(self[v]), nwid=nwid, swid=swid, vwid=vwid)) for v, meta in iteritems(self): if meta.get('pass_by_obj') and not meta.get('remote'): template = "{0:<{nwid}} {1:<{swid}} {2}\n" out_stream.write(template.format(v, '(by obj)', repr(self[v]), nwid=nwid, swid=swid)) if return_str: return out_stream.getvalue()
[docs]class SrcVecWrapper(VecWrapper): """ VecWrapper for params and dparams. """
[docs] def setup(self, unknowns_dict, relevance=None, var_of_interest=None, store_byobjs=False, shared_vec=None): """ Configure this vector to store a flattened array of the variables in unknowns. If store_byobjs is True, then 'pass by object' variables will also be stored. Args ---- unknowns_dict : dict Dictionary of metadata for unknown variables collected from components. relevance : `Relevance` object Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest. var_of_interest : str or None Name of the current variable of interest. store_byobjs : bool, optional If True, then store 'pass by object' variables. By default only 'pass by vector' variables will be stored. shared_vec : ndarray, optional If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array. """ vec_size = 0 to_prom_name = self._sysdata.to_prom_name for path, meta in iteritems(unknowns_dict): promname = to_prom_name[path] if relevance is None or relevance.is_relevant(var_of_interest, meta['top_promoted_name']): if meta.get('pass_by_obj') or meta.get('remote'): slc = None else: slc = (vec_size, vec_size + meta['size']) vec_size += meta['size'] self._dat[promname] = Accessor(self, slc, meta['val'], meta) if shared_vec is not None: self.vec = shared_vec[:vec_size] else: self.vec = numpy.zeros(vec_size) # map slices to the array for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat): meta = acc.meta if not meta.get('pass_by_obj'): if meta.get('remote'): acc.val = numpy.array([], dtype=float) else: start, end = self._dat[name].slice acc.val = self.vec[start:end] else: self._has_pbos = True # if store_byobjs is True, this is the unknowns vecwrapper, # so initialize all of the values from the unknowns dicts. if store_byobjs: for path, meta in iteritems(unknowns_dict): if 'remote' not in meta and (relevance is None or relevance.is_relevant(var_of_interest, meta['top_promoted_name'])): if not meta.get('pass_by_obj'): if meta['shape'] == 1: self._dat[to_prom_name[path]].val[0] = meta['val'] else: self._dat[to_prom_name[path]].val[:] = meta['val'].flat
def _get_flattened_sizes(self): """ Collect all sizes of vars stored in our internal vector. Returns ------- list of lists of (name, size) tuples A one entry list containing a list of tuples mapping var name to local size for 'pass by vector' variables. """ return [[(n, m['size']) for n, m in self._get_vecvars()]]
[docs]class TgtVecWrapper(VecWrapper): """ Vecwrapper for unknowns, resids, dunknowns, and dresids."""
[docs] def setup(self, parent_params_vec, params_dict, srcvec, my_params, connections, relevance=None, var_of_interest=None, store_byobjs=False, shared_vec=None): """ Configure this vector to store a flattened array of the variables in params_dict. Variable shape and value are retrieved from srcvec. Args ---- parent_params_vec : `VecWrapper` or None `VecWrapper` of parameters from the parent `System`. params_dict : `OrderedDict` Dictionary of parameter absolute name mapped to metadata dict. srcvec : `VecWrapper` Source `VecWrapper` corresponding to the target `VecWrapper` we're building. my_params : list of str A list of absolute names of parameters that the `VecWrapper` we're building will 'own'. connections : dict of str : str A dict of absolute target names mapped to the absolute name of their source variable. relevance : `Relevance` object Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest. var_of_interest : str or None Name of the current variable of interest. store_byobjs : bool, optional If True, store 'pass by object' variables in the `VecWrapper` we're building. shared_vec : ndarray, optional If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array. """ # dparams vector has some additional behavior if not store_byobjs: self.deriv_units = True src_to_prom_name = srcvec._sysdata.to_prom_name vec_size = 0 missing = [] # names of our params that we don't 'own' for meta in itervalues(params_dict): pathname = meta['pathname'] if relevance is None or relevance.is_relevant(var_of_interest, meta['top_promoted_name']): if pathname in my_params: # if connected, get metadata from the source src = connections.get(pathname) if src is None: raise RuntimeError("Parameter '%s' is not connected" % pathname) src_pathname, idxs = src src_rel_name = src_to_prom_name[src_pathname] src_acc = srcvec._dat[src_rel_name] slc, val = self._setup_var_meta(pathname, meta, vec_size, src_acc, store_byobjs) if not meta.get('remote'): vec_size += meta['size'] my_abs = self._scoped_abs_name(pathname) self._dat[my_abs] = Accessor(self, slc, val, meta) else: if parent_params_vec is not None: src = connections.get(pathname) if src: src, idxs = src common = get_common_ancestor(src, pathname) if (common == self._sysdata.pathname or (self._sysdata.pathname+'.') not in common): missing.append(meta) if shared_vec is not None: self.vec = shared_vec[:vec_size] else: self.vec = numpy.zeros(vec_size) # map slices to the array for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat): meta = acc.meta if meta.get('pass_by_obj'): self._has_pbos = True elif not meta.get('remote'): start, end = self._dat[name].slice acc.val = self.vec[start:end] # fill entries for missing params with views from the parent for meta in missing: pathname = meta['pathname'] parent_acc = parent_params_vec._dat[parent_params_vec._scoped_abs_name(pathname)] newmeta = parent_acc.meta if newmeta['pathname'] == pathname: my_abs = self._scoped_abs_name(pathname) # mark this param as not 'owned' by this VW self._dat[my_abs] = Accessor(self, None, parent_acc.val, newmeta, owned=False) if self._dat[my_abs].meta.get('pass_by_obj'): self._has_pbos = True # Finally, set up unit conversions, if any exist. for meta in itervalues(params_dict): pathname = meta['pathname'] if pathname in my_params and (relevance is None or relevance.is_relevant(var_of_interest, pathname)): unitconv = meta.get('unit_conv') if unitconv: scale, offset = unitconv scoped_abs = self._scoped_abs_name(pathname) self._dat[scoped_abs].meta['unit_conv'] = (scale, offset)
def _setup_var_meta(self, pathname, meta, index, src_acc, store_byobjs): """ Populate the metadata dict for the named variable. Args ---- pathname : str Absolute name of the variable. meta : dict Metadata for the variable collected from components. index : int Index into the array where the variable value is to be stored (if variable is not 'pass by object'). src_acc : Accessor Accessor object for the source variable that this target variable is connected to. store_byobjs : bool, optional If True, store 'pass by object' variables in the `VecWrapper` we're building. """ src_meta = src_acc.meta val = meta['val'] if 'src_indices' not in meta and 'src_indices' not in src_meta: meta['size'] = src_meta['size'] if src_meta.get('pass_by_obj'): if not meta.get('remote') and store_byobjs: val = src_acc.val meta['pass_by_obj'] = True slc = None elif meta.get('remote'): slc = None else: slc = (index, index + meta['size']) return slc, val def _add_unconnected_var(self, pathname, meta): """ Add an entry to this vecwrapper for the given unconnected variable so the component can access its value through the vecwrapper. """ sname = self._scoped_abs_name(pathname) if 'val' in meta: val = meta['val'] elif 'shape' in meta: shape = meta['shape'] val = numpy.zeros(shape) else: raise RuntimeError("Unconnected param '%s' has no specified val or shape" % pathname) meta['pass_by_obj'] = True self._has_pbos = True self._dat[sname] = Accessor(self, None, val, meta) def _get_flattened_sizes(self): """ Returns ------- list of lists of tuples of the form (name, size) A one entry list of lists with tuples pairing names to local sizes of owned, local params in this `VecWrapper`. """ return [[(n, acc.meta['size']) for n, acc in iteritems(self._dat) if acc.owned and not acc.meta.get('pass_by_obj')]] def _apply_unit_derivatives(self): """ Applies derivative of the unit conversion factor to params sitting in vector. """ if self.deriv_units: for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat): meta = acc.meta if 'unit_conv' in meta: acc.val *= meta['unit_conv'][0] # def _apply_units(self): # """ Applies the unit conversion factor to params # sitting in vector. # """ # for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat): # meta = acc.meta # if 'unit_conv' in meta and acc.owned: # scale, offset = meta['unit_conv'] # val = meta['val'] # if offset != 0.0: # val += offset # val *= scale
class _PlaceholderVecWrapper(object): """ A placeholder for a dict-like container of a collection of variables. Args ---- name : str the name of the vector """ def __init__(self, name=''): = name def __getitem__(self, name): """ Retrieve unflattened value of named var. Since this is just a placeholder, will raise an exception stating that setup() has not been called yet. Args ---- name : str Name of variable to get the value for. Raises ------ AttributeError """ raise AttributeError("'%s' has not been initialized, " "setup() must be called before '%s' can be accessed" % (, name)) def __contains__(self, name): self.__getitem__(name) def __setitem__(self, name, value): """ Set the value of the named variable. Since this is just a placeholder, will raise an exception stating that setup() has not been called yet. Args ---- name : str Name of variable to get the value for. value : The unflattened value of the named variable. Raises ------ AttributeError """ raise AttributeError("'%s' has not been initialized, " "setup() must be called before '%s' can be accessed" % (, name))