Source code for openmdao.recorders.shelve_recorder

""" Class definition for HDF5Recorder, which uses the shelve format."""

import shelve
from collections import OrderedDict

from openmdao.recorders.base_recorder import BaseRecorder
from openmdao.util.record_util import format_iteration_coordinate

[docs]class ShelveRecorder(BaseRecorder): """ A recorder that stores data using Python's shelve. Args ---- out : str String containing the filename for the shelve file. **shelve_args Additional keyword args to be passed to """ def __init__(self, out, **shelve_args): super(ShelveRecorder, self).__init__() self.out =, **shelve_args) self.order = []
[docs] def record(self, params, unknowns, resids, metadata): """ Stores the provided data in the shelve file using the iteration coordinate for the key. Args ---- params : dict Dictionary containing parameters. (p) unknowns : dict Dictionary containing outputs and states. (u) resids : dict Dictionary containing residuals. (r) metadata : dict, optional Dictionary containing execution metadata (e.g. iteration coordinate). """ iteration_coordinate = metadata['coord'] group_name = format_iteration_coordinate(iteration_coordinate) self.order.append(group_name) f = self.out data = OrderedDict([('Parameters', params), ('Unknowns', unknowns), ('Residuals', resids)]) f[group_name] = data f['order'] = self.order