Source code for openmdao.util.strutil

""" Sting utilities. """

import ast

#public symbols
__all__ = ['get_common_ancestor', 'name_relative_to', 'parse_for_vars']

[docs]def get_common_ancestor(name1, name2): """ Args ---- name1 : str Name of first system. name2 : str Name of second system. Returns ------- str Absolute name of any common ancestor `System` containing both name1 and name2. If none is found, returns ''. """ common_parts = [] for part1, part2 in zip(name1.split('.'), name2.split('.')): if part1 == part2: common_parts.append(part1) else: break if common_parts: return '.'.join(common_parts) else: return ''
[docs]def name_relative_to(parent_abspath, child_abspath): """ Determine the relative name of a child path with respect to a parent system. Args ---- parent_abspath : str Asbolute path of the parent. child_abspath : str Absolute path of the child. Returns ------- str Name of the child relative to the parent. """ start = len(parent_abspath)+1 if parent_abspath else 0 return child_abspath[start:].split('.', 1)[0]
class ExprVarScanner(ast.NodeVisitor): """ This node visitor collects all variable names found in the AST, and excludes names of functions. Variables having dotted names are not supported. """ def __init__(self, vnames=()): self.varnames = set() self._lookfor = vnames def visit_Name(self, node): self.varnames.add( def visit_Call(self, node): if not isinstance(node.func, ast.Name): self.visit(node.func) for arg in node.args: self.visit(arg) def visit_Attribute(self, node): if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name) and in self._lookfor: self.varnames.add(
[docs]def parse_for_vars(expr, vnames=()): """ Args ---- expr : str An expression string that we want to parse for variable names. Returns ------- list of str Names of variables from the given string. """ root = ast.parse(expr, mode='exec') scanner = ExprVarScanner(vnames) scanner.visit(root) return scanner.varnames