Source code for openmdao.core.driver

""" Base class for Driver."""

from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np

from openmdao.core.options import OptionsDictionary
from openmdao.util.recordutil import create_local_meta, \

[docs]class Driver(object): """ Base class for drivers in OpenMDAO. Drivers can only be placed in a Problem, and every problem has a Driver. Driver is the simplest driver that runs (solves using solve_nonlinear) a problem once. """ def __init__(self): super(Driver, self).__init__() self.recorders = [] # What this driver supports self.supports = OptionsDictionary(read_only=True) self.supports.add_option('Inequality Constraints', True) self.supports.add_option('Equality Constraints', True) self.supports.add_option('Linear Constraints', False) self.supports.add_option('Multiple Objectives', False) self.supports.add_option('2-Sided Constraints', False) self.supports.add_option('Integer Parameters', False) # This driver's options self.options = OptionsDictionary() self._params = OrderedDict() self._objs = OrderedDict() self._cons = OrderedDict() self._voi_sets = [] # We take root during setup self.root = None self.iter_count = 0 def _setup(self, root): """ Prepares some things we need.""" self.root = root item_names = ['Parameter', 'Objective', 'Constraint'] items = [self._params, self._objs, self._cons] for item, item_name in zip(items, item_names): for name, meta in item.items(): # Check validity of variable if name not in root.unknowns: msg = "{} '{}' not found in unknowns." msg = msg.format(item_name, name) raise ValueError(msg) # Size is useful metadata to save if 'indices' in meta: meta['size'] = len(meta['indices']) else: meta['size'] = root.unknowns.metadata(name)['size'] def _map_voi_indices(self): poi_indices = {} qoi_indices = {} for name, meta in chain(self._cons.items(), self._objs.items()): # set indices of interest if 'indices' in meta: qoi_indices[name] = meta['indices'] for name, meta in self._params.items(): # set indices of interest if 'indices' in meta: poi_indices[name] = meta['indices'] return poi_indices, qoi_indices def _of_interest(self, voi_list): """Return a list of tuples, with the given voi_list organized into tuples based on the previously defined grouping of VOIs. """ vois = [] done_sets = set() for v in voi_list: for voi_set in self._voi_sets: if voi_set in done_sets: break if v in voi_set: vois.append(tuple([x for x in voi_set if x in voi_list])) done_sets.add(voi_set) break else: vois.append((v,)) return vois
[docs] def params_of_interest(self): """ Returns ------- list of tuples of str The list of params, organized into tuples according to previously defined VOI groups. """ return self._of_interest(self._params)
[docs] def outputs_of_interest(self): """ Returns ------- list of tuples of str The list of constraints and objectives, organized into tuples according to previously defined VOI groups. """ return self._of_interest(list(chain(self._objs, self._cons)))
[docs] def parallel_derivs(self, vnames): """ Specifies that the named variables of interest are to be grouped together so that their derivatives can be solved for concurrently. Args ---- vnames : iter of str The names of variables of interest that are to be grouped. """ for grp in self._voi_sets: for vname in vnames: if vname in grp: msg = "'%s' cannot be added to VOI set %s because it " + \ "already exists in VOI set: %s" raise RuntimeError(msg % (vname, tuple(vnames), grp)) param_intsect = set(vnames).intersection(self._params.keys()) if param_intsect and len(param_intsect) != len(vnames): raise RuntimeError("%s cannot be grouped because %s are params and %s are not." % (vnames, list(param_intsect), list(set(vnames).difference(param_intsect)))) self._voi_sets.append(tuple(vnames))
[docs] def add_recorder(self, recorder): """ Adds a recorder to the driver. Args ---- recorder : BaseRecorder A recorder instance. """ self.recorders.append(recorder)
[docs] def add_param(self, name, low=None, high=None, indices=None, adder=0.0, scaler=1.0): """ Adds a parameter to this driver. Args ---- name : string Name of the paramcomp in the root system. low : float or ndarray, optional Lower boundary for the param high : upper or ndarray, optional Lower boundary for the param indices : iter of int, optional If a param is an array, these indicate which entries are of interest for derivatives. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. """ if low is None: low = -1e99 elif isinstance(low, np.ndarray): low = low.flatten() if high is None: high = 1e99 elif isinstance(high, np.ndarray): high = high.flatten() if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray): adder = adder.flatten() if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray): scaler = scaler.flatten() # Scale the low and high values low = (low + adder)*scaler high = (high + adder)*scaler param = {} param['low'] = low param['high'] = high param['adder'] = adder param['scaler'] = scaler if indices: param['indices'] = np.array(indices, dtype=int) self._params[name] = param
[docs] def get_params(self): """ Returns a dict of parameters. Returns ------- dict Keys are the param object names, and the values are the param values. """ uvec = self.root.unknowns params = OrderedDict() for key, meta in self._params.items(): scaler = meta['scaler'] adder = meta['adder'] flatval = uvec.flat[key] if 'indices' in meta: # Make sure our indices are valid try: flatval = flatval[meta['indices']] except IndexError: msg = "Index for parameter '{}' is out of bounds. " msg += "Requested index: {}, " msg += "Parameter shape: {}." raise IndexError(msg.format(key, meta['indices'], uvec.metadata(key)['shape'])) if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray) or isinstance(adder, np.ndarray) \ or scaler != 1.0 or adder != 0.0: params[key] = (flatval + adder)*scaler else: params[key] = flatval return params
[docs] def get_param_metadata(self): """ Returns a dict of parameter metadata. Returns ------- dict Keys are the param object names, and the values are the param values. """ return self._params
[docs] def set_param(self, name, value): """ Sets a parameter. Args ---- name : string Name of the paramcomp in the root system. val : ndarray or float value to set the parameter """ scaler = self._params[name]['scaler'] adder = self._params[name]['adder'] if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray) or isinstance(adder, np.ndarray) \ or scaler != 0.0 or adder != 1.0: self.root.unknowns[name] = value/scaler - adder else: self.root.unknowns[name] = value
[docs] def add_objective(self, name, indices=None, adder=0.0, scaler=1.0): """ Adds an objective to this driver. Args ---- name : string Promoted pathname of the output that will serve as the objective. indices : iter of int, optional If an objective is an array, these indicate which entries are of interest for derivatives. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. """ if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray): adder = adder.flatten() if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray): scaler = scaler.flatten() obj = {} obj['adder'] = adder obj['scaler'] = scaler if indices: obj['indices'] = indices if len(indices) > 1 and not self.supports['Multiple Objectives']: raise RuntimeError("Multiple objective indices specified for " "variable '%s', but driver '%s' doesn't " "support multiple objectives." % (name, self.pathname)) self._objs[name] = obj
[docs] def get_objectives(self, return_type='dict'): """ Gets all objectives of this driver. Args ---- return_type : string Set to 'dict' to return a dictionary, or set to 'array' to return a flat ndarray. Returns ------- dict (for return_type 'dict') Key is the objective name string, value is an ndarray with the values. ndarray (for return_type 'array') Array containing all objective values in the order they were added. """ uvec = self.root.unknowns objs = OrderedDict() for key, meta in self._objs.items(): scaler = meta['scaler'] adder = meta['adder'] flatval = uvec.flat[key] if 'indices' in meta: # Make sure our indices are valid try: flatval = flatval[meta['indices']] except IndexError: msg = "Index for objective '{}' is out of bounds. " msg += "Requested index: {}, " msg += "Parameter shape: {}." raise IndexError(msg.format(key, meta['indices'], uvec.metadata(key)['shape'])) if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray) or isinstance(adder, np.ndarray) \ or adder != 0.0 or scaler != 1.0: objs[key] = (flatval + adder)*scaler else: objs[key] = flatval return objs
[docs] def add_constraint(self, name, ctype='ineq', linear=False, jacs=None, indices=None, adder=0.0, scaler=1.0): """ Adds a constraint to this driver. Args ---- name : string Promoted pathname of the output that will serve as the objective. ctype : string Set to 'ineq' for inequality constraints, or 'eq' for equality constraints. Make sure your driver supports the ctype of constraint that you are adding. linear : bool, optional Set to True if this constraint is linear with respect to all params so that it can be calculated once and cached. jacs : dict of functions, optional Dictionary of user-defined functions that return the flattened Jacobian of this constraint with repsect to the params of this driver, as indicated by the dictionary keys. Default is None to let OpenMDAO calculate all derivatives. Note, this is currently unsupported indices : iter of int, optional If a constraint is an array, these indicate which entries are of interest for derivatives. adder : float or ndarray, optional Value to add to the model value to get the scaled value. Adder is first in precedence. scaler : float or ndarray, optional value to multiply the model value to get the scaled value. Scaler is second in precedence. """ if ctype == 'eq' and self.supports['Equality Constraints'] is False: msg = "Driver does not support equality constraint '{}'." raise RuntimeError(msg.format(name)) if ctype == 'ineq' and self.supports['Inequality Constraints'] is False: msg = "Driver does not support inequality constraint '{}'." raise RuntimeError(msg.format(name)) if isinstance(adder, np.ndarray): adder = adder.flatten() if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray): scaler = scaler.flatten() con = {} con['linear'] = linear con['ctype'] = ctype con['adder'] = adder con['scaler'] = scaler con['jacs'] = jacs if indices: con['indices'] = indices self._cons[name] = con
[docs] def get_constraints(self, ctype='all', lintype='all'): """ Gets all constraints for this driver. Args ---- ctype : string Default is 'all'. Optionally return just the inequality constraints with 'ineq' or the equality constraints with 'eq'. lintype : string Default is 'all'. Optionally return just the linear constraints with 'linear' or the nonlinear constraints with 'nonlinear'. Returns ------- dict Key is the constraint name string, value is an ndarray with the values. """ uvec = self.root.unknowns cons = OrderedDict() for key, meta in self._cons.items(): if lintype == 'linear' and meta['linear'] == False: continue if lintype == 'nonlinear' and meta['linear'] == True: continue if ctype == 'eq' and meta['ctype'] == 'ineq': continue if ctype == 'ineq' and meta['ctype'] == 'eq': continue scaler = meta['scaler'] adder = meta['adder'] flatval = uvec.flat[key] if 'indices' in meta: # Make sure our indices are valid try: flatval = flatval[meta['indices']] except IndexError: msg = "Index for constraint '{}' is out of bounds. " msg += "Requested index: {}, " msg += "Parameter shape: {}." raise IndexError(msg.format(key, meta['indices'], uvec.metadata(key)['shape'])) if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray) or isinstance(adder, np.ndarray) \ or adder != 0.0 or scaler != 1.0: cons[key] = (flatval + adder)*scaler else: cons[key] = flatval return cons
[docs] def get_constraint_metadata(self): """ Returns a dict of constraint metadata. Returns ------- dict Keys are the constraint object names, and the values are the param values. """ return self._cons
[docs] def run(self, problem): """ Runs the driver. This function should be overriden when inheriting. Args ---- problem : `Problem` Our parent `Problem`. """ system = problem.root # Metadata Setup self.iter_count += 1 metadata = create_local_meta(None, 'Driver') system.ln_solver.local_meta = metadata update_local_meta(metadata, (self.iter_count,)) # Solve the system once and record results. system.solve_nonlinear(metadata=metadata) for recorder in self.recorders: recorder.raw_record(system.params, system.unknowns, system.resids, metadata)