Source code for openmdao.core.component

""" Defines the base class for a Component in OpenMDAO."""

import sys
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from six import iteritems

import numpy as np

from openmdao.core.basicimpl import BasicImpl
from openmdao.core.system import System
from openmdao.util.types import is_differentiable

# Object to represent default value for `add_output`.
_NotSet = object()

# regex to check for valid variable names.
namecheck_rgx = re.compile(

[docs]class Component(System): """ Base class for a Component system. The Component can declare variables and operates on its params to produce unknowns, which can be explicit outputs or implicit states. """ def __init__(self): super(Component, self).__init__() self._post_setup = False self._jacobian_cache = {} def _get_initial_val(self, val, shape): """ Determines initial value based on starting val and shape.""" if val is _NotSet: # Interpret a shape of 1 to mean scalar. if shape == 1: return 0. return np.zeros(shape) return val def _check_val(self, name, var_type, val, shape): """ Raises and exception if the user doesn't specify the right info in val and shape.""" if val is _NotSet and shape is None: msg = ("Shape of {var_type} '{name}' must be specified because " "'val' is not set") msg = msg.format(var_type=var_type, name=name) raise ValueError(msg) def _add_variable(self, name, val, var_type, **kwargs): """ Contruct metadata for new variable. Args ---- name : string Name of the variable. val : float or ndarray or object Initial value for the variable. var_type : 'param' or 'output' Type of variable. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments to be added to metadata. Raises ------ RuntimeError If name is already in use or if setup has already been performed. NameError If name is not valid. ValueError If a valid value or shape is not specified. """ shape = kwargs.get('shape') self._check_val(name, var_type, val, shape) self._check_name(name) meta = kwargs.copy() meta['promoted_name'] = name meta['val'] = val = self._get_initial_val(val, shape) if is_differentiable(val) and not meta.get('pass_by_obj'): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): meta['size'] = val.size meta['shape'] = val.shape else: meta['size'] = 1 meta['shape'] = 1 else: meta['size'] = 0 meta['pass_by_obj'] = True if isinstance(shape, int) and shape > 1: meta['shape'] = (shape,) return meta
[docs] def add_param(self, name, val=_NotSet, **kwargs): """ Add a `param` input to this component. Args ---- name : string Name of the input. val : float or ndarray or object Initial value for the input. """ self._params_dict[name] = self._add_variable(name, val, 'param', **kwargs)
[docs] def add_output(self, name, val=_NotSet, **kwargs): """ Add an output to this component. Args ---- name : string Name of the variable output. val : float or ndarray Initial value for the output. While the value is overwritten during execution, it is useful for infering size. """ self._unknowns_dict[name] = self._add_variable(name, val, 'output', **kwargs)
[docs] def add_state(self, name, val=_NotSet, **kwargs): """ Add an implicit state to this component. Args ---- name : string Name of the state. val : float or ndarray Initial value for the state. """ args = self._add_variable(name, val, 'state', **kwargs) args['state'] = True self._unknowns_dict[name] = args
def _check_name(self, name): """ Verifies that a system name is valid. Also checks for duplicates.""" if self._post_setup: raise RuntimeError("%s: can't add variable '%s' because setup has already been called", (self.pathname, name)) if name in self._params_dict or name in self._unknowns_dict: raise RuntimeError("%s: variable '%s' already exists" % (self.pathname, name)) match = namecheck_rgx.match(name) if match is None or != name: raise NameError("%s: '%s' is not a valid variable name." % (self.pathname, name))
[docs] def setup_param_indices(self): """ Override this in your Component to set specific indices that will be pulled from source variables to fill your parameters. This method should set the 'src_indices' metadata for any parameters that require it. """ pass
def _get_fd_params(self): """ Get the list of parameters that are needed to perform a finite difference on this `Component`. Returns ------- list of str List of names of params for this `Component` . """ return [k for k, m in self.params.items() if not m.get('pass_by_obj')] def _get_fd_unknowns(self): """ Get the list of unknowns that are needed to perform a finite difference on this `Group`. Returns ------- list of str List of names of unknowns for this `Component`. """ return [k for k, m in self.unknowns.items() if not m.get('pass_by_obj')] def _setup_variables(self): """ Returns our params and unknowns dictionaries, re-keyed to use absolute variable names """ self.setup_param_indices() # rekey with absolute path names and add promoted names _new_params = OrderedDict() for name, meta in self._params_dict.items(): pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name) _new_params[pathname] = meta meta['pathname'] = pathname meta['promoted_name'] = name self._params_dict[name]['promoted_name'] = name _new_unknowns = OrderedDict() for name, meta in self._unknowns_dict.items(): pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name) _new_unknowns[pathname] = meta meta['pathname'] = pathname meta['promoted_name'] = name self._post_setup = True return _new_params, _new_unknowns def _setup_vectors(self, param_owners, parent, top_unknowns=None, impl=BasicImpl): """ Set up local `VecWrappers` to store this component's variables. Args ---- param_owners : dict a dictionary mapping `System` pathnames to the pathnames of parameters they are reponsible for propagating. (ignored) parent : `Group` The parent `Group`. top_unknowns : `VecWrapper`, optional the `Problem` level unknowns `VecWrapper` impl : an implementation factory, optional Specifies the factory object used to create `VecWrapper` objects. """ self.params = self.unknowns = self.resids = None self.dumat, self.dpmat, self.drmat = {}, {}, {} relevance = self._relevance if not self.is_active(): return self._impl_factory = impl # create storage for the relevant vecwrappers, keyed by # variable_of_interest for group, vois in relevance.groups.items(): if group is not None: for voi in vois: self._create_views(top_unknowns, parent, [], voi) # we don't get non-deriv vecs (u, p, r) unless we have a None group, # so force their creation here self._create_views(top_unknowns, parent, [], None) # create params vec entries for any unconnected params for meta in self._params_dict.values(): pathname = meta['pathname'] name = self.params._scoped_abs_name(pathname) if name not in self.params: self.params._add_unconnected_var(pathname, meta)
[docs] def apply_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids): """ Evaluates the residuals for this component. For explicit components, the residual is the output produced by the current params minus the previously calculated output. Thus, an explicit component must execute its solve nonlinear method. Implicit components should override this and calculate their residuals in place. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) """ # Since explicit comps don't put anything in resids, we can use it to # cache the old values of the unknowns. resids.vec[:] = -unknowns.vec[:] self.solve_nonlinear(params, unknowns, resids) # Unknowns are restored to the old values too. apply_nonlinear does # not change the output vector. resids.vec[:] += unknowns.vec[:] unknowns.vec[:] -= resids.vec[:]
[docs] def solve_nonlinear(self, params, unknowns, resids): """ Runs the component. The user is required to define this function in all components. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper`, optional `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper`, optional `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper`, optional `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) """ raise NotImplementedError("solve_nonlinear")
[docs] def jacobian(self, params, unknowns, resids): """ Returns Jacobian. Returns None unless component overides this method and returns something. J should be a dictionary whose keys are tuples of the form ('unknown', 'param') and whose values are ndarrays. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) Returns ------- dict Dictionary whose keys are tuples of the form ('unknown', 'param') and whose values are ndarrays. """ return None
[docs] def apply_linear(self, params, unknowns, dparams, dunknowns, dresids, mode): """ Multiplies incoming vector by the Jacobian (fwd mode) or the transpose Jacobian (rev mode). If the user doesn't provide this method, then we just multiply by the cached jacobian. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) dparams : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing either the incoming vector in forward mode or the outgoing result in reverse mode. (dp) dunknowns : `VecWrapper` In forward mode, this `VecWrapper` contains the incoming vector for the states. In reverse mode, it contains the outgoing vector for the states. (du) dresids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing either the outgoing result in forward mode or the incoming vector in reverse mode. (dr) mode : string Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'. """ self._apply_linear_jac(params, unknowns, dparams, dunknowns, dresids, mode)
[docs] def solve_linear(self, dumat, drmat, vois, mode=None): """ Single linear solution applied to whatever input is sitting in the rhs vector. Args ---- dumat : dict of `VecWrappers` In forward mode, each `VecWrapper` contains the incoming vector for the states. There is one vector per quantity of interest for this problem. In reverse mode, it contains the outgoing vector for the states. (du) drmat : `dict of VecWrappers` `VecWrapper` containing either the outgoing result in forward mode or the incoming vector in reverse mode. There is one vector per quantity of interest for this problem. (dr) vois : list of strings List of all quantities of interest to key into the mats. mode : string Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev', but generally should be called without mode so that the user can set the mode in this system's ln_solver.options. """ if mode == 'fwd': sol_vec, rhs_vec = self.dumat, self.drmat else: sol_vec, rhs_vec = self.drmat, self.dumat for voi in vois: sol_vec[voi].vec[:] = rhs_vec[voi].vec[:]
[docs] def dump(self, nest=0, out_stream=sys.stdout, verbose=True, dvecs=False): """ Writes a formated dump of this `Component` to file. Args ---- nest : int, optional Starting nesting level. Defaults to 0. out_stream : an open file, optional Where output is written. Defaults to sys.stdout. verbose : bool, optional If True (the default), output additional info beyond just the tree structure. dvecs : bool, optional If True, show contents of du and dp vectors instead of u and p (the default). """ klass = self.__class__.__name__ if dvecs: ulabel, plabel, uvecname, pvecname = 'du', 'dp', 'dunknowns', 'dparams' else: ulabel, plabel, uvecname, pvecname = 'u', 'p', 'unknowns', 'params' uvec = getattr(self, uvecname) pvec = getattr(self, pvecname) lens = [len(n) for n in uvec.keys()] nwid = max(lens) if lens else 12 commsz = self.comm.size if hasattr(self.comm, 'size') else 0 template = "%s %s '%s' req: %s usize:%d psize:%d commsize:%d\n" out_stream.write(template %(" "*nest, klass,, self.get_req_procs(), uvec.vec.size, pvec.vec.size, commsz)) for v in uvec: if verbose: if v in uvec._slices: uslice = '{0}[{1[0]}:{1[1]}]'.format(ulabel, uvec._slices[v]) tem = "{0}{1:<{nwid}} {2:<21} {3:>10}\n" out_stream.write(tem.format(" "*(nest+8), v, uslice, repr(uvec[v]), nwid=nwid)) elif not dvecs: # deriv vecs don't have passing by obj tem = "{0}{1:<{nwid}} (by_obj) ({2})\n" out_stream.write(tem.format(" "*(nest+8), v, repr(uvec[v]), nwid=nwid)) out_stream.flush()
[docs] def generate_docstring(self): """ Generates a numpy-style docstring for a user's component. Returns ------- docstring : str string that contains a basic numpy docstring. """ #start the docstring off docstring = '\t\"\"\"\n' docstring += '\n\tAttributes\n\t----------\n\n' if self._params_dict: for key, value in iteritems(self._params_dict): docstring += "\t\t"+key docstring += " : param \n" #docstring += type(value).__name__ docstring += "\n\t\t\t<Insert description here.>\n\n" if self._unknowns_dict: for key, value in iteritems(self._unknowns_dict): docstring += "\t\t"+key docstring += " : " typ = type(value).__name__ if typ == 'dict': docstring += " unknown \n" else: docstring += typ + "\n" docstring += "\n\t\t\t<Insert description here.>\n\n" docstring += '\n\tNote\n\t----\n\n' #finish up docstring docstring += '\n\t\"\"\"\n' return docstring