Source code for openmdao.solvers.run_once

""" The RunOnce solver just performs solve_nonlinear on the system hierarchy
with no iteration."""

from openmdao.solvers.solver_base import error_wrap_nl, NonLinearSolver
from openmdao.util.record_util import create_local_meta, update_local_meta

[docs]class RunOnce(NonLinearSolver): """ The RunOnce solver just performs solve_nonlinear on the system hierarchy with no iteration. Options ------- options['iprint'] : int(0) Set to 0 to print only failures, set to 1 to print iteration totals to stdout, set to 2 to print the residual each iteration to stdout, or -1 to suppress all printing. """ def __init__(self): super(RunOnce, self).__init__() self.options.remove_option('err_on_maxiter') self.print_name = 'RUN_ONCE' @error_wrap_nl
[docs] def solve(self, params, unknowns, resids, system, metadata=None): """ Executes each item in the system hierarchy sequentially. Args ---- params : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p) unknowns : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u) resids : `VecWrapper` `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r) system : `System` Parent `System` object. """ self.iter_count += 1 # Metadata setup local_meta = create_local_meta(metadata, system.ln_solver.local_meta = local_meta update_local_meta(local_meta, (self.iter_count,)) system.children_solve_nonlinear(local_meta) self.recorders.record_iteration(system, local_meta)